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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons D. (Dilek) Düstegör, PhD


Employability prediction: a survey of current approaches, research challenges and applications: A survey of current approaches, research challenges and applications

Bayesian Optimization Algorithm-Based Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches for Forecasting Short-Term Electricity Demand

Interactive online experiments: a generic framework

IoT Based Smart Water Quality Monitoring: Recent Techniques, Trends and Challenges for Domestic Applications

Predicting academic success in higher education: Literature review and best practices

Prediction of Academic Performance at Undergraduate Graduation: Course Grades or Grade Point Average?

Analytical tool for the modelling and simulation of curriculum: Towards automated design, assessment, and improvement

A remotely piloted aerial system for a faster processing of traffic collisions towards reducing the resulting road congestion

A smarter electricity grid for the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia: Perceptions and policy implications

The Impact of Digital Technology on Female Students’ Learning Experience in Partition-Rooms: Conditioned by Social Context

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