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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons D. (Dick) de Zeeuw
University Medical Center Groningen

D. (Dick) de Zeeuw

Hoogleraar; Afdeling Klinische Farmacie en Farmacologie



Personal information

Born 15 July 1951, the Hague.

Education and Training

1975                  MD, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG).

1980                  PhD Medicine, Thesis ‘Renal mobility and hypertension’, RUG.

1984 ‑ 1985       Training in Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Pharmacology, Dallas, Texas, USA.

1996                  Board Certification Clinical Pharmacology Netherlands.


Current positions

2017 - today      Professor Clinical Pharmacology, Department Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology, UMCG, Groningen, the Netherlands.

2019 - today      Chair of Review Board for nWMO research


Previous positions

1971 ‑ 1974       Student Assistant, Physiological Chemistry, Medical Faculty, Groningen.

1975 ‑ 1980       Fellow, Department Internal Medicine, Section Nephrology, RUG.

1980 ‑ 1984       Assistant Professor Internal Medicine, Section Nephrology, RUG.

1984 ‑ 1985       Visiting Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Dallas, Texas, USA.

1985 ‑ 1996       Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Section Nephrology, RUG.

1996 - 2014       Professor, and Chair, Department of Clinical Pharmacology.

2014 - 2017       Chair, Research Section Department Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology.

2012 - 2019        Director, Groningen Institute for Drug Exploration (GUIDE).

Fellowships and Awards

1984 ‑ 1985       Fellowship/Sabbatical, Clinical Pharmacology, Dpt of Pharmacology, Dallas, USA.

2006                  Lennart Hansson Memorial Lecture Award, European Society of Hypertension.

2007                  International Distinguished Medal, American National Kidney Foundation.

2008                  Special Lecture Award, Japanese Society of Nephrology.

2015                  Saal van Zwanenberg price, Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities

 2017                  Knight in the Royal Order of the Dutch Lion (Ridder in de Orde Nederlandse Leeuw)

Organisation of International Congresses

2004                  Chair, First Int Symposium on Albuminuria; The role of albuminuria in Health and Disease: predicting outcomes and target for therapy; New York, USA, 16-18 May 2004.

2010                  Member, American Society of Nephrology Program Committee, ASN, Denver, Nov 2010

2010                  Chair, Second Int Symposium on Albuminuria; New Therapies in lowering albuminuria: Impact on Kidney and Cardiovascular Outcomes; Amsterdam, 12-14 December, 2010.

2011                  Chair, Third Int Symposium on Albuminuria; The prognostic role of albuminuria: Impact on Kidney and Cardiovascular Outcomes; Groningen, 29 November- 1 December 2011.

2011                  Chair, 4th Meeting Uremic Toxins and Cardiovascular Disease: New therapies; Groningen, 20-22 Mei 2011.

2014                  Chair, Symposium Biomarker-based modeling tools: safer drugs and faster development?; Amsterdam, 24 January 2014.

2015                  Chair, Satellite symposium World Congress of Nephrology; Cape Town, South-Africa, 17-19 March 2015


Local, National, International Management

1983 - 1993       Animal Ethical Committee.

1986 - 1991       Faculty Animal Experiments Committee.

1986 - 1996       Research Committee Department Internal Medicine.

1986 - 1998       Study group Hypertension and Renal Physiology (NWO)

1988 - 1997       University Council Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

1988 - 1993       University Council – Education and Research Committee.

1988 - 1997       University Council - Committee Legal and Personnel Affairs.

1989 - 2012       Coordinator Faculty Research theme ‘Renal physiology and Pharmacology’.

1990 - 1992       University Committee Emancipation.

1991 - 1996       Faculty Council Medicine Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

1993 - 1998       Board Member and Treasurer Dutch Society Nephrology.

1994 - 1998.      Coordinator Theme ‘Clinical Pharmacology’ Groningen Institute Drug Studies (GIDS).

1995 - 1996       Treasurer EDTA-ERA-Congress 1996.

1998 - 2013       Research Committee COMGAN, International Society Nephrology.

2000 - today      Committee Clinical Trials, International Society of Nephrology.

2002 - 2005       Board Certification Committee Dutch Society Pharmacology.

2005 - 2012       Chair Federation Innovative Drug Research Netherlands (FIGON).

2009 - 2015       Council member International Society of Nephrology.

2012 - 2019       Director Groningen Institute for Drug Exploration (GUIDE).


International Guideline Committees

1999 - 2004       Board of the Kidney Diseases Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI)


International Trial Advisory Boards

2006 - today      Hemocue

2012 - 2015       VITAE

2011 - today      Astellas

2011 - 2015       ChemoCentryx         

2011 - 2015       Takeda

2012 - 2018       Eli Lilly

2014 - today      Fresenius

2012 – 2020       J&J

2014 - today       Fresenius

2017 - today       Boehringer Ingelheim

2017 - today       Bayer

2020 - today       Retrophin


International Trial Steering Committees

1995                  RENAAL trial, member (finished)

1996                  PREVEND cohort, co-chair

1996                  PREVEND-IT trial, member (finished)

2003                  PROLONG trial, chair (finished)

2003                  SHARP trial, member (finished, NCT00125593)

2004                  GIANTT diabetes cohort, chair

2004                  TREAT trial, member (finished, NCT00093015)

2005                  SUN-micro trial, member, European coordinator (finished, NCT00130208)

2005                  SUN-macro trial, member, European coordinator (finished, NCT00130312)

2006                  PLANET I trial, chair (finished, NCT00296374)

2006                  PLANET II trial, chair (finished, NCT00296400)

2006                  VITAL trial, chair (finished, NCT00421733)

2006                  ALTITUDE trial, member (finished, NCT00549757)

2009                  CANVAS trial, member (NCT01032629)

2010                  RADAR trial, co-chair (NCT01356849)

2011                  BEACON trial, co-chair (NCT01351675)

2013                  SONAR trial, co-chair (NCT01858532)

2013                  CANVAS-R trial, member (NCT01989754)

2014                  CCX140 trial, advisor (finished, NCT01447147)

2014                  CREDENCE trial, member (NCT02065791)


Editorial Boards

1994 - 1999       Clinical Science (specialist editor).

1995 - 2010       Kidney International.

1996 - today      Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension

1999 - today      Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin Aldosterone System (JRAAS)

2000 - today      Journal of Hypertension

2003 - today      Journal of Geriatric Urology and Nephrology

2008 - 2014       Deputy Editor NEPHRON

2009 - 2015       Editor Clinical Nephrology

2011 - 2015       Associate Editor Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Plus

2012 - 2017      Editor European Journal of Preventive Cardiology

2015 - 2018      Member International Advisory Board Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology



Groningen:        Former co-chair general population cohort PREVEND and Chair of Diabetes cohort GIANTT (>25.000 patients) on the meaning of albuminuria and progressive renal/CV function loss and therapy.

Nederland:         Chair and collaborator in the Top Institute Pharma Project, Esscher, on biomarkers in drug trials in diabetes.

Europa:             Chair and collaborator in the European FP7 SysKid consortium ( on  biomarkers and therapy in diabetes.

International:     Chair and collaborator in 16 international public-private consortia on new drug effects in diabetes.



4 NWO/ZonMW/STW grants.

1 TI Pharma program grant.

1 TI Pharma Value Creation grant.

3 Collaborative Research Programs grant in de European Phramework program (partner).

1 Collaborative Research Program grant Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) (co-chair)

1 Kidney Foundation Personal Program grant.

2 Heart Foundation project grants.

19 Kidney Foundation project grants.

16 grants with Industrial partners (Astra Zeneca, Amgen, Abbott, AbbVie, BMS, J&J, Keryx Biopharmaceuticals, MSD, Novartis, REATA).



Dutch Society of Nephrology.

Dutch Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Biopharmacy.

American Society of Nephrology.

International Society of Nephrology.

Dutch Internal Medicine Society.

NWO-workgroup ‘Hypertension en Renal physiology’.

Dutch Society van Pharmacology.


Thesis supervisions

  1. SJ Hoorntje, Merits and demerits of the ACEi Captopril in antihypertensive treatment, RUG 1981
  2. GJ Navis, Enalapril and the Kidney, RUG 1986.
  3. P Dijkstra, Preorganized molecular cavities synthesis and complexation with alkali cations, University Twente1987.
  4. R Vriesendorp, Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs in the nephrotic syndrome, RUG 1988.
  5. TKH Kremer Hovinga, Renovascular disease: observations on radioisotope detection…, RUG.1990
  6. EJF Franssen, Drug targeting to the kidney with low molecular weight proteins, RUG 1992.
  7. JE Heeg, The antiproteinuric effect of ACE-inhibition in renal disease, RUG, 1992.
  8. GJ Jonker, ACE inhibition in the diagnosis of renovascular hypertension, RUG 1993.
  9. WI Iwema-Bakker, Towards the medical applications of calixspherands, University Twente 1993.
  10. WMT Janssen, Atrial Natriuretic Factor, RUG 1994.
  11. RT Gansevoort, Mechanism and benefits of the antiproteinuric effect of ACE-inhibition, RUG 1995.
  12. AJ Apperloo, Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition in chronic renal failure and hypertension, RUG 1995.
  13. CA Visscher, Renal ortho-iodohippurate handling in normal and pathological conditions, RUG 1996.
  14. T Tepper, Erythrocyte cation transport and hypertension: Physiological and clinical studies, RUG 1998
  15. BCH Teisman, Interactions between the sympathetic nervous system and RAAS in heart failure, RUG 1998.
  16. RJ Kok, Targeting of captopril to the kidney: towards selective renal ACE inhibition, RUG 1998.
  17. M Haas, Drug targeting to the kidney and to the urinary bladder, RUG 1998.
  18. LE Deelman, Regulation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor expression, RUG 1999.
  19. MH Hemmelder, Glomerular permeability during ACE inhibition, RUG 1999.
  20. AJM Roks, Towards new approaches for intervention in the cardiovascular system, RUG 2000
  21. J Broekroelofs, Renal function after solid organ transplantation, RUG 2000.
  22. FH Wapstra, On the mechanism of the renoprotective action of ace-inhibition. RUG 2000.
  23. C Filipeanu, Intracellular angiotensin II: from myth to reality, RUG 2001.
  24. SJ Pinto-Sietsma, Risk factors for renal abnormalities in a nondiabetic population, RUG 2001.
  25. JL Hillege, Renal risk markers and cardiovascular disease. RUG 2002.
  26. PAM Vries, The renal dopaminergic system in experimental hypertension, RUG 2002.
  27. FGH van de Kleij, ACE gene insertion/deletion polymorphism and renal disease. RUG 2002.
  28. P van Paassen, Renin inhibition: a tool to assess the role of the RAAS in renal hemodynamics .., RUG 2003.
  29. H Buter, Variability in therapeutic responses during interference in the renin-angiotensin system, RUG 2003.
  30. SK Gschwend, Small artery tone under control of the endothelium…, RUG 2003.
  31. GD Laverman, Optimisation of renoprotective therapy with RAS blockade, RUG 2004.
  32. JC Verhave, The impact of albuminuria and cardiovascular risk factors on renal function, RUG 2004.
  33. EM Stuveling, C-reactive protein and albuminuria; independent risk markers of renal.., RUG 2004.
  34. MJA Kocks, Sodium intake and therapy resistance to ACE inhibition…., RUG 2005.
  35. P Ochodnicky, Vascular endothelial and myogenic function in renal disease: focus on …,. RUG 2006.
  36. M Sandovici, Gene therapy in kidney transplantation: towards local immune suppression, RUG2006.
  37. JP Greving, Trends in cardiovascular drug prescribing in Dutch general practice: role of patient, RUG 2007.
  38. WBA Eijkelkamp, Reversing the reno-cardiac perspective, RUG 2007..
  39. EA van der Wouden, The therapeutic potential of adenoviral gene therapy and… , RUG 2007.
  40. WAKM Windt, Cardiorenal interaction. Therapeutic perspectives, RUG 2007.
  41. H Bos, Therapy resistance to the antiproteinuric and renoprotective efficacy of ACE-inhibition, RUG 2007.
  42. JW Brinkman, Albuminuria as a laboratory risk marker. Methods evaluated, RUG 2007.
  43. L Vogt, Strategies to optimize renoprotective therapy in proteinuric renal patients, RUG 2008.
  44. HJ Lambers Heerspink, Perspectives on randomized clinical trials. The case for albuminuria. RUG 2008.
  45. AH Brantsma, Course and consequences of high urinary albumin excretion, RUG 2008.
  46. FA Holtkamp, Predicting and improving individual long-term outcome in diabetes, RUG 2011.
  47. Y Miao, Off-target effects of RAAS-inhibition: important renal outcomes in diabetes, RUG 2012.
  48. ME Hellemons, Prediction and prevention of chronic renal impairment in high-risk populations.., RUG 2012.
  49. PA Smink, Biomarkers and assessment of drug efficacy in cardiovascular disease, RUG 2013.
  50. G Sidorenkov, Predictive value of treatment quality indicators on outcomes in diabetes, RUG 2013.
  51. ST de Vries, Patient perspectives in the benefit-risk evaluation of drugs, RUG, 2014
  52. MJ Pena, Novel biomarker panels in diabetic kidney disease; predicting disease progression and response to therapy, and monitoring drug effect. RUG 2015
  53. BH Schievink, Integrating biomarkers to predict renal and cardiovascular drug efficacy; PRE score applications from drug registration to personalized medicine, RUG 2016
  54. TF Kropelin, The association between albuminuria and long-term renal risk; How to improve the precision of drug effects estimates, RUG 2016
  55. SI Petrykiv, Variability in drug response; towards more personalized diabetes care, RUG 2017.
  56. MT Weldegiorgis, Evaluation of renal end points in nephrology trials, RUG 2017.
  57. SM van den Belt, Albuminuria, More then renal risk marker, RUG 2018.
  58. NMA Idzerda, Better prediction of drug response in diabetic kidney disease, RUG 2019
  59. Kroonen, Understanding individual drug response variation, RUG 2020

Educational Skills


Research Elective Courses Medicine, Pharmacy and Medical Biology.

Postdoctoral elective courses and bedside teaching.

Chair Training Clinical Pharmacology Board Groningen.

Refresher Courses medical doctors and internists national en international.

ISN Educational Ambassador Vilnius University Hospital, Lithuania.


‘Invited Lectures’

International congresses, symposia en workshops: >300

Public lectures and ‘outreach’: >20



International scientific publications: 647; (

Book chapters and Proceedings: >60



Total citations Web of Science: 45622            Total citations Google Scholar: 100307

H-index: Web of Science: 93                             H-index Google Scholar: 112

Max cited article NEJM 2001: 4630                  i10-index: 491


Laatst gewijzigd:03 september 2024 07:47