C. (Christos) Emmanouilidis, Dr
Christos Emmanouilidis (PhD) is an Associate Professor with Ius Promovendi at the Faculty of Economis and Business, University of Groningen. He carries over 20 years of experience from positions in Industry, Academia, Research, and Innovation supporting organisations. He has had multiple PI and Co-I roles for projects related to Industrial Informatics, Context-Aware Computing, AI & Cognitive Systems, Robotics & Automation, Data Analytics, Human in the Loop with Linked Data and Knowledge, as well as Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things Technologies to serve diverse applications needs. His teaching portfolio includes Smart Industry Operations, Data Mining and its Applications, Technology – Enabled Innovation, and Asset Management, Internet of Things, and Information Management. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) of the UK. He is a Senior IEEE Member, a Founding Fellow of the International Society of Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM), a member of IFIP WG5.7 ‘Advances in Production Management Systems’, and a member of the CEN TC319 and ISO 251 standardisation committees on Maintenance and Asset Management. He is the Chair of the IFAC TC5.1 WG A-MEST on Advanced Maintenance Engineering Services and Technologies and scientific Vice Chair of IFAC TC5.1 on Manufacturing Plant Control. He has had past appointments in Industry (Zenon SA Robotics & Automation Technologies), and Public Research Organisations (ATHENA Research & Innovation Centre). He has acted as Research & Innovation expert (FP5-FP6-FP7-H2020-Horizon Europe) and has served as Innovation expert for Regional Government, EC/JRC and the EIT.
Current positions |
2020 - present
Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
Expert Group Member, European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS).
2016 - present
Scientific Vice Chair, International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) TC 5.1 - Manufacturing Plant Control.
2016 - present
Chair of IFAC WG AMEST: Advanced Maintenance Engineering, Services, and Technology Working Group.
2021 - present
University of Cranfield, UK, Recogniseed Teacher and Visiting Senior Lecturer on IoT and Visual Analytics.
Past positions |
2016 -2020
Senior Lecturer on Internet of Things and Visial Analytics, Cranfield University, UK.
Research Director, ATHENA Research and Innovation Centre, Greece
Senior Researcher, ATHENA Research and Innovation Centre, Greece
Visiting Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Democritus University of Thrace, School of Engineering
Adjunct Lecturer, Democritus University of Thrace, School of Engineering
Adviser to Regional Government (Research & Innovation, TECHNOGENESIS Regional Innovation Programme Manager, Region of East Macedonia - Thrace, Greece
Senior Project Manager, Zenon SA Automation Technologies, Greeece
Research Associate, University of Sunderland, UK
Cadet Officer and Assistant Officer at Technical Directorate, GA Technical Corps
Education |
PhD, School of Computing and Engineering Technology, University of Sunderland, UK
MSc in Engineering, University of Durham, UK
Dipl-Eng in Electrical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Other / Impact |
2004 - present
Independent Expert (Rapporteur/Evaluator/Project Monitoring) for the European Commission Framework Programmes (Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020, FP7, FP6).
2016 - present
Chair, co-chair and/or co-organiser of IFAC AMEST workshops on 'Advanced Maintenance Engineering, Services, and Technology'
2012 - present
Programme Committee Member (and Chair in 2012) of IFIP Annual Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems
2016 - present
Technical Associate Editor for IFAC events on Manufacturing Plant Control (IFAC INCOM, IFAC World Congress) and Programm Committee member for IFAC IMS.
2009 - present
Committee Member (and Conference co-Chair in 2009) for World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM)
2022 - present
Editor, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence journal.
2020 - present
Editor, Neural Computing and Applications journal.
2018 - present
Editor, Journal of Risk and Reliability.
2021 - present
Associate Editor, Frontiers in Manufacturing Technology, Area: Lifecycle Engineering.
2010 - present
Editor, International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management.
2016 - present
CEN, European Standards Organisation, Member, TC319, Maintenance.
2022 - present
ISO, International Organization for Standardisation, Member, ISO/TC 251, Asset Management.
Advisory Board Member, NG-CDI: Next Generation Converged Digital Infrastructure (www.ng-cdi.org)
Member of the East-Macedonia Thrace (Greece) Regional Innovation & Entrepreneurship Council, 2013-2015.
Member of Industrial Transition Working Group, Smart Specialisation Platform (S3), EC, Joint Research Centre.
Member of the National Committee for the Greek Technological and Scientific Initiatives of the Greek Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013.
Recipient of the Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) Society Annual Data Challenge Award
Last modified: | 03 November 2023 9.18 p.m. |