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Oncolytic alphavirus-induced extracellular vesicles counteract the immunosuppressive effect of melanoma-derived extracellular vesicles

Vvax001, a Therapeutic Vaccine for Patients with HPV16-positive High-grade Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia: a Phase II Trial

An in vitro CD8 T-cell priming assay enables epitope selection for hepatitis C virus vaccines

Effects of virus-induced immunogenic cues on oncolytic virotherapy

Molecular Circuits of Immune Sensing and Response to Oncolytic Virotherapy

Molecular Circuits of Immune Sensing and Response to Oncolytic Virotherapy

Oncolytic alphavirus replicons mediated recruitment and activation of T cells

Strategies to reprogram anti-inflammatory macrophages towards pro-inflammatory macrophages to support cancer immunotherapies

Histone Deacetylase 3-Directed PROTACs Have Anti-inflammatory Potential by Blocking Polarization of M0-like into M1-like Macrophages

Modelling the spatial dynamics of oncolytic virotherapy in the presence of virus-resistant tumor cells


'Binnen tien jaar zijn er mRNA-vaccins tegen tumoren’

Een variatiebestendig coronavaccin ontwikkelen, kan dat?

Zoeken naar een nieuwe generatie vaccins tegen corona

IN DE SPOTLIGHTS DOOR CORONA 'Binnen tien jaar zijn er mRNA-vaccins tegen tumoren’

Macrofagen herprogrammeren voor effectievere immuuntherapie

Kankervaccin klaar voor tests op patiënten
