B. (Bert) van der Vegt

Bert van der Vegt, born in Ureterp (The Netherlands) in 1979, completed his Medical School at the University of Groningen in 2005. He finished his residency in Pathology at the University MedicaI Center of Groningen (UMCG), the Netherlands, in 2012. In that year he became staff member at the Department of Pathology at the UMCG specializing in breast- and head & neck pathology. He finalized his PhD thesis on the use of tissue microarrays in breast cancer research in 2012. His diagnostic activities now cover the whole spectrum of breast- and head & neck pathology. Dr Van der Vegt’s long-term research interests particularly relate to tumour biological aspects of breast cancer and head/neck cancers. He collaborates with various departments within the University Medical Center Groningen e.g. Medical Oncology, Epidemiology and Surgery. He also participates in various national collaborative research groups on these subjects.
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 02.31 a.m. |