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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons B. (Bjorn) Mols

Research interests

PhD project: Large carnivores in anthropogenic landscapes - How landscapes of fear created by humans and large carnivores affect deer behaviour and structure ecosystems


Landscapes of fear in anthropogenic environments: How landscapes of fear created by humans and wolves affect deer behavior and structure ecosystems

Human recreation shapes the local scale impact of ungulates on the carbon pools of a temperate coniferous forest

Recreation and hunting differentially affect deer behaviour and sapling performance

Recreation reduces tick density through fine-scale risk effects on deer space-use

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Wie is er bang voor de boze wolf?

Hert en wild zwijn passen gedrag aan op aanwezigheid van mens en wolf

Recreatie verlaagt tekendichtheid in de buurt van paden waar veel mensen lopen

Recreation stimulates forest regeneration in nature reserves

“Met goeie afsluiting kan je wolven 'leren' van schapen af te blijven”

De wolf is terug

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