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Are lateralized and bold fish optimistic or pessimistic?

Correction to: Are lateralized and bold fish optimistic or pessimistic? (Animal Cognition, (2024), 27, 1, (42), 10.1007/s10071-024-01876-4)

Effects of early predation and social cues on the relationship between laterality and personality

Effects of maternal androgens and their metabolite etiocholanolone on prenatal development in birds

The effect of light during embryonic development on laterality and exploration in Western rainbowfish

The female red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus gallus) reproductive investment stimulated by male attractiveness

Dynamics of maternal androgens and its metabolites during early embryonic development: embryonic modification of a maternal effect

Early conversion of maternal androgens affects the embryo already in the first week of development

Embryonic heart rate is affected by yolk androgens and egg laying sequence, and correlates with embryonic tissue growth: A study in rock pigeons

Plasticity in metabolism of maternal androgens in avian embryos