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Diagnostisch hulpmiddel dementie bij mensen met (Z)EV(M)B

An analysis of visual functioning and cerebral visual impairments in children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities

Attitudes of support people: a key element when implementing technologies for people with intellectual and visual disabilities

Dementia in people with severe/profound intellectual (and multiple) disabilities, and its natural history

Experiences and support needs of families raising adolescents with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities during the transition to adulthood

Experiences of Adult Siblings of Individuals With an Intellectual Disability and Pervasive Support Needs

Factsheet Motor Activity Training Program (2024) Best practices Motor Activity Training Program in Ierland, Slowakije en Nederland. T.b.v. Erasmus+

Family Resilience Affecting Well-Being of Families With a Child With Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities

From assistive to inclusive? A systematic review of the uses and effects of technology to support people with pervasive support needs

Physical health conditions in young children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: The prevalence and associations between these conditions