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A. (Anne) Warchold, MSc

PhD Student
Profile picture of A. (Anne) Warchold, MSc


Blending insights from sustainability science, systems analysis, and economics, Anne unveils research that drives progress towards a more sustainable future. She focuses on leveraging quantitative methods grounded in systems thinking to advance the understanding and implementation of sustainability initiatives like the UN Agenda 2030, compromising its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the European bioeconomy strategy for 2050.

She is an economist by training, with an MSc in sustainability management and a BSc in business administration and economics with a specific focus on environmental management and energy economics. Her doctoral work quantifies the complexities of the SDG system, identifying both internal synergies and trade-offs, as well as interactions with external drivers like the EU bioeconomy transition, ultimately aiming to accelerate progress towards sustainable development.

Prior to joining RUG, Anne's research at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) tackled diverse sustainability challenges, including bridging inequality gaps, exploring sustainable food systems, strengthening sustainability education, and identifying decarbonization pathways for cities. Notably, she is involved in a project promoting Himalayan development by reinforcing teaching and research on SDGs.

Other positions

Guest Researcher, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany
Last modified:02 April 2024 12.26 p.m.