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A.V.M. (Stacey) Copeland, Dr

Assistant Professor - Cultural Heritage and Identity, Creative Industries
Profile picture of A.V.M. (Stacey) Copeland, Dr

Research interests

Dr. Stacey Copeland is an Assistant Professor of Media Studies at the University of Groningen in The Netherlands. Research interests and expertise include: The Politics of Sound and Listening, Media Cultures of Gender and Sexuality, Audio Archives and Cultural Heritage, Podcast and Radio Studies,  Queer and Feminist Media Production and Aesthetics, Political Phenomenology, and Canadian and U.S. Broadcast History. 

She received her Joseph-Armand Bombardier SSHRC-funded Ph.D. at Simon Fraser University’s School of Communication in Canada with a research focus on the communication of queer feminist activism and aesthetics in radio and podcasting. Copeland’s work on sound, media and culture has been published in top-ranking journals, including Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media and the Canadian Journal of Communication. She has published in various edited collections, co-published open-access guides on academic podcasting and soundscape assessment, and actively works to produce publicly accessible sonic scholarship that bridges research and creative practice.

Additional Roles: She is currently the co-director of Amplify Podcast Network, a scholarly podcasting initiative, and the Co-Chair of  the Radio, Audio Media, and Podcasting Special Interest Group (RAMP SIG) of the Society of Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS).

Check out some of my other projects here

Copeland received her Master of Arts from the Ryerson York joint Communication and Culture graduate program where she studied with a focus on radio production, sound studies, media culture and gender studies. She completed her Bachelor of Arts in Radio and Television Arts from Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson) with a minor in English and a specialization in audio production for radio, music and film. It was during her Master’s work that Copeland co-founded FemRadio, a Toronto, Canada-based feminist community radio collective. 


The Kitchen Table is Always Where We Are: Podcasting as Feminist Self-Reflexive Practice

Finding Queer Soundwork: Information Activism in Lesbian Feminist Radio and Queer Podcast Networks

The Amplify Manifesto: Rewind, Replay, Reflect

The Amplify Podcast Network Manifesto: On Scholarly Podcasting and Collaborative Experimentation

3QTL: Three Questions about Teaching and Learning

Sustaining Queer Joy and Potentiality: Through Independent Production with Homoground Music Podcast

Lesbian radio radicals and the queer podcast revolution: A political phenomenology of soundwork

What Does the Livable City Sound Like? Analyzing Public Communication in Vancouver, Canada

Why Podcast?: Podcasting as Publishing, Sound-Based Scholarship, and Making Podcasts Count

A Guide to Academic Podcasting


Audio erotica stories are extremely popular, especially among women. How come?

Why Podcast Your Research? - 9plus

Extending scholarship to oral traditions through podcasting

A Cartographic Ear: The history of sound mapping and a guide to trying it yourself

Stacey Copeland uncovers the historical voices of Canada’s queer media soundscape

A Guide to Academic Podcasting - NBN Education