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Beyond ingredients: Supramolecular structure of lipid droplets in infant formula affects metabolic and brain function in mouse models

Early life exposure to a diet with a supramolecular lipid structure close to that of mammalian milk improves early life growth, skeletal development, and later life neurocognitive function in individually and socially housed male C57BL/6J mice

Distinct effects of short chain fatty acids on host energy balance and fuel homeostasis with focus on route of administration and host species

Individual housing of male C57BL/6J mice after weaning impairs growth and predisposes for obesity

Milk lipid composition and structure: The relevance for infant brain development

Dietary lipid quality, environment and the developing brain

Home alone: A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of individual housing on body weight, food intake and visceral fat mass in rodents

Supramolecular structure of dietary fat in early life modulates expression of markers for mitochondrial content and capacity in adipose tissue of adult mice

A postnatal diet containing phospholipids, processed to yield large, phospholipid-coated lipid droplets, affects specific cognitive behaviors in healthy male mice

Milk fat globule membrane coating of large lipid droplets in the diet of young mice prevents body fat accumulation in adulthood