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About us Practical matters How to find us A. (Ana) Guerberof Arenas, Dr


Artificial intelligence, automation and the language industry

“A Spanish version of EastEnders”: a reception study of a telenovela subtitled using MT

Creative skills development: training translators to write in the era of AI

Does training in post-editing affect creativity?

INCREC: Uncovering the creative process of translated content using machine translation

Literacy in Digital Environments and Resources (LT-LiDER)

To be or not to be: A translation reception study of a literary text translated into Dutch and Catalan using machine translation

Traducción automática y literatura

What the Harm?: Quantifying the Tangible Impact of Gender Bias in Machine Translation with a Human-centered Study

Ethics and machine translation: The end user perspective


Serve ancora imparare le lingue straniere?

Podcast: The Visible Art of Translation

The Last Frontier of Machine Translation

Die letzte Grenze der maschinellen Übersetzung

The Last Frontier of Machine Translation

University of Groningen: Major European Grant For Ana Guerberof Arenas And Tina Kretschmer

'Uitblinkende' wetenschappers van RUG ontvangen grote Europese beurs voor baanbrekend onderzoek

RUG-onderzoekers slepen miljoenenbeurzen in de wacht

Grote Europese beurzen voor Ana Guerberof Arenas en Tina Kretschmer

Should Scholars Trust Machine Translation of their Articles?