prof. dr. A.E.M. (Nancy) Kamp-Roelands, RA

Research interests
Nancy Kamp-Roelands is a professor non-financial information, integrated reporting and assurance at the University of Groningen. She is a by Royal NBA certified public accountant specialized in integrated and sustainability reporting and related assurance and brings a combination of experience with large multinational clients, (inter)national standard setting, teaching and research.
She finalized in 2002 a PhD "Towards a framework for auditing environmental reports". Nancy has a 20% appointment at the University of Groningen as professor non-financial information, integrated reporting and assurance.
In addition, Nancy is an executive director integrated reporting at EY, where she is involved in client work and technical work. Nancy was the project lead in developing EYs Global Sustainability Assurance Methodology that is used worldwide.
From 2013-2016 Nancy was the deputy director of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. One of her projects was credibility and trust in emerging forms of external reporting.
Nancy is currently also a member of the Framework Panel of the International Integrated Reporting Council. In the period 2009-2011she was a member of the executive board of the Prince of Wales Accounting for Sustainability Project developing the concept of integrated reporting and establishing the International Integrated Reporting Council.
From 1990 Nancy is a pioneer in developing guidance for environmental, later sustainability reporting and more recently integrated reporting, as well as guidance for obtaining assurance on it.
Nancy was the chair of UNCTAD-ISAR's Corporate Ressponsibility Indicators project, which resulted in related guidance.
As a member and chair of the Sustainability Working Party of the European Federation of Accountants (now Accountancy Europe) she wrote from 1996 some of their discussion papers on environmental and sustainability reporting and assurance.
In the Netherlands she wrote for the Dutch Accounting Standards Board the first version of the Guide to Sustainability Reporting and for the Dutch Auditing Standards Board she was involved in the writing of the first version of the Dutch Standard NV COS 3810N Assurance engagements related to sustainability reporting.
In 1997 she developed a one year postmaster course CSR management and CSR auditing at Erasmus University Rotterdam and was for a couple of years the program director.