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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A.B.M. (Anselm) Fuermaier, Dr


Financial capability of people living with Parkinson’s disease: A case-control study

Impairment Assessment in Adult ADHD and Related Disorders: Current Opinions From Clinic and Research

Look who is complaining: Psychological factors predicting subjective cognitive complaints in a large community sample of older adults

Post-Covid fatigue: Reduced Quality of Life Associated with Clinically Relevant Fatigue in Mild Disease Courses

Subjective Complaints and Coping Strategies of Individuals with Reported Low-Frequency Noise Perceptions

The 6-Item Vision-Related Quality of Life and Limitations Questionnaire: Evaluation of Psychometric Properties

The effectiveness and efficacy of driving interventions with ADHD: a Dutch perspective

Attention performance as an embedded validity indicator in the cognitive assessment of early retirement claimants

Beschwerdenvalidierung in den Niederlanden

Beschwerdenvalidierung in der klinischen Untersuchung von Erwachsenen mit ADHS

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Opinie: De volkstaal als voertaal op de universiteit? Don’t do it!

Studenten moeten af van de Ritalin als studiepil

16 procent van de ondervraagde RUG-studenten gebruikt ritalin

Ritalin blijkt veelgebruikt medicijn te zijn onder studenten RUG

16 procent van de ondervraagde RUG-studenten gebruikt ritalin

What student doesn’t love Ritalin?

Feigning ADHD and stimulant misuse among BSS students

Patient or pretender – Feigning ADHD and its detection

ADHD in society

Good vibrations: Whole Body Vibration as a new treatment for ADHD?

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