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Part of University of Groningen
Science LinX Visit our exhibitions! Longterm exhibition Bio globes

Bio globes

It's alive!
What is it about?

Life in a glass sphere, without contact with the outside world. How is that possible? The answer is simple:
the system is in balance.

The shrimp get enough food and oxygen from the algae, and they graze enough of the algae to ensure that they do not take over the sphere. They produce carbon dioxide, which the algae use, and organic waste (faeces) that the bacteria convert into nutrients for the algae.

The secret? A few shrimp, enough light, a nice temperature, lots of algae and even more bacteria! Just make sure you get the proportions right!

How do scientists use this knowledge?

At the Centre for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (CEES), scientists of the Department of Ocean Ecosystems are studying the effect of a changing environment and climate on marine organisms like phytoplankton, bacteria, zooplankton and fish.

Bio Globes. Photo: Elco van der Meer.
Bio Globes. Photo: Elco van der Meer.


Last modified:01 October 2015 4.16 p.m.
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