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Research Zernike (ZIAM) Surfaces and Thin Films Grubisic-Cabo Group


An important aspect of our work is to share our passion for science with the general public and to disseminate our scientific efforts and results. This is done through various channels, such as popular science articles, participation in outreach events, and social media. Antonija is also a member of Young Academy Groningen where she is a part of the communications committee. Below you can see a few examples of our science communication and outreach efforts.

Publications aimed at the general public

• Antonija Grubišić-Čabo, "KISS method for 2D material preparation: Unlocking new possibilities for materias science", PhysOrg; Science X Dialogu series, June 2023

• Antonija Grubišić-Čabo, ”The strange case of sticky gold”, Francken Vrij, volume 27.1, popular science magazine of the T.F.V. ”Professor Francken”, University of Groningen (2022)

•Antonija Grubišić-Čabo & Petra Rudolf, ”Defects”, Francken Vrij, volume 26.2, popular science magazine of the T.F.V. ”Professor Francken”, University of Groningen (2022)


Last modified:19 December 2023 1.12 p.m.