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This Local Supplement documents the many detailed choices that have been made while preparing for the Research evaluation natural sciences 2003-2009 in general, and compiling the Self-evaluation document in particular. It is a supplement to the Standard Evaluation Protocol 2003-2009 for Public Research Organisations (VSNU, KNAW and NWO) and to the Protocol Kwaliteitszorg Onderzoek Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Information in those two documents will not be repeated here.

This Local Supplement was a growing document; it was updated constantly during the compilation of the Self-evaluation document. This document is for internal use only.

The document Standard Evaluation Protocol 2003-2009 for Public Research Organisations can be found on the web: It is referred to in this Local Supplement as SEP.

The Protocol Kwaliteitszorg Onderzoek Rijksuniversiteit Groningen is referred to in this Local Supplement as RuG Protocol.

The Research evaluation natural sciences 1996-2004 covers a period of nine years, whereas the SEP is based on six-year periods. This choice has been made because many physics groups in FSE have not been evaluated formally since 1996. However, because of major changes in the organization of the Faculty and in its bookkeeping procedures around 1997, the personnel and financial data were reported for the years 1996-1998 at the Institute level only; for the period 1999-2004, the data were also presented at the level of the Research Groups. Financial data for 2004 were based on budget estimates; personnel data for 2004 were extrapolated from the data for the period 1 January 2004 -- 1 September 2004.

This document is maintained by N.J.I. Mars. Please send corrections and suggestions to n.j.i.mars

Last modified:29 May 2019 1.11 p.m.