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Research Young Academy Groningen What we do Interdisciplinarity

YAG Interdisciplinary collaborations workshop | June 10-11

There are a few spots left on the interdisciplinary collaborations training for which you can sign up until June 3rd!

The success of interdisciplinary research teams depends largely on the quality of the interactions between researchers within the team, and specifically, their ability to navigate their disciplinary differences. We invite you to participate in a 2-day workshop intended to support this collaboration process, organised by the Young Academy Groningen in collaboration with the Centre for Unusual Collaborations (CuCo).

The workshop is given by CuCo trainer Anke de Vrieze and by YAG members Naomi de Ruiter and Ole Gmelin

Workshop aim: The workshop aims to support interdisciplinary collaborations by helping researchers to unpack their disciplinary epistemic norms, and to enhance communication and trust amongst researchers from diverse disciplinary backgrounds. 

For whom: The workshop is open to all UG researchers from PhD level on who are doing research in an interdisciplinary team or who have plans to do so.

Dates of workshop: June 10 – 11, 2024

Time: 9:30 – 16:00 hrs

Location: Lutkenieuwstraat 5, Norman Groningen, room 'De Weverij' 

Deadline for signing up: June 3

Costs: We charge a fee of 50 Euro for this two-day workshop. The workshop includes coffee / tea and lunch on both days. A link for the payment will be sent to you in a separate email after you have successfully been registered for the training program. 

Practical notes: Registration entails both days, it is not possible to attend only one of the days. 

There is room for 14 participants. In case we receive more signups than the workshop can accommodate, we will register participants on a first-come-first-serve basis and the rest will be put on a waiting list. If you registered and cannot attend, please inform us as soon as possible so that we can inform those on the waiting list. 

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Last modified:23 May 2024 11.44 a.m.