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Research Urban and Regional Studies Institute Sustainable Road Infrastructure Boundary Spanning

Boundary Spanners in Integrated Infrastructure Projects

Bron: beeldbank Rijkswatersataat / Joop van Houdt
Bron: beeldbank Rijkswatersataat / Joop van Houdt

The integration of infrastructure projects asks for collaboration of individuals from various organizations, sectors, and disciplines. Processes of collaboration lead to the formation of networks. In these networks, some individuals – boundary spanners – are more effective than others in working across organizational, sectoral, and disciplinary boundaries. This research project investigates what boundary spanning activities and roles are effective, thereby contributing to integrated infrastructure development.

The research project is funded by Rijkswaterstaat, the executive arm of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. The research project is part of the long-term research colaboration Duurzame Netwerken between Rijkswaterstaat and the University of Groningen.

Last modified:29 September 2020 11.02 a.m.