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Research Urban and Regional Studies Institute CASUS

Sustainable Transportation / Urban Travel Behaviour

RFF PhD Research Grant (2017 – 2021, supervisor) Public Spaces systems around transportation nodes are often forgotten and neglected. This research aims to close the knowledge gap between urban design as public policy and implementation processes. Multimodal stations are complex adaptive systems, where pedestrian interactions occur in different levels of scale, with multiple activities and many purposes. This research aims to develop a multiā€modal network analysis, which captures walkability levels around transportation nodes. Transit-oriented development (TOD) D Variables - Density, Diversity, Design and Destination Accessibility – qualify these places and are associated with the decision to walk as a mode of travel. The main outcome of this work is to assist urban planners and architects to develop accessible and pleasant spaces for pedestrian movement.


Indonesian Endowment Fund for Eduction, PhD Research Grant (2017–2021, supervisor) This research aims to identify what form of mobility inequalities exist by addressing land use and mobility networks including their interrelation for middle income countries. In general, middle income countries are in the transition of not just providing sufficient transport infrastructure in terms of quanitity, but also cater for a better quality, which include dealing with inequalities. Metropolitan cities in middle income countries like the city of Jakarta (Indonesia) and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) have to face a high rate of individual motorized transport, which is not equally distributed among its society. This means that there are parts of society that are unable to afford a private vehicle and highly depend on public transport. This coupled with uneven public transport coverage and spatial exclusion, these combinations result in a higher travel time, share of transport expenditure, risks and inconveniences for several groups of people. This research uses a mixed method.

Urban transport
Urban transport

'Paris: Dynamique vers le Periph. Mapping Urban Travel Behaviour in the Context of Spatial and Social Criteria', TU Vienna Competitive Grant (2017) This project addresses mapping and analysis of movement patterns and influencing factors of urban space using a mixed method approach. Case Study is Greater Paris. Claudia Yamu is partner in this project lead by TU Vienna. Further partner is the Université de Paris–Sorbonne.

Last modified:21 February 2018 10.02 a.m.