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Research Open Science

Podcast: Open Science Bites

Open Science Bites - The UG Open Science Podcast
Open Science Bites - The UG Open Science Podcast

Dive into the fascinating world of open science with the all-new podcast "Open Science Bites". Academics reveal their personal ‘open’ journeys and offer hands-on insights on open practices in their research and teaching.

10-minute episodes

A series of short episodes - each around 10 minutes long - focuses on one specific open science practice. Episodes feature first-hand accounts by UG academics on their successful or challenging endeavours in being open.

New! Season 2: Public engagement

Episode 1: Working towards a relationship of trust and finding a common language (Alberto Godioli)

Alberto Godioli, Associate Professor in European Culture and Literature at the University of Groningen, shares his views on and experiences with public engagement. For his NWO-funded research project "Humor in Court'', Alberto is developing a policy-oriented toolkit for judges, a cartoon exhibition and a website with accessible analyses of recent humor-related legal cases.

Working towards a relationship of trust and finding a common language (Alberto Godioli)
Working towards a relationship of trust and finding a common language (Alberto Godioli)
Episode 2: Bringing farmers and researchers together for sustainable agriculture (Stefano Bertorini)

In this episode, Stefano Bertorini, PhD student at the Campus Fryslân at the University of Groningen, shares his views on and experiences with public engagement. For his research project, Stefano developed workshops to engage with Dutch farmers, to listen to their experiences and to accompany them develop new business models in regenerative agriculture.

Bringing farmers and researchers together for sustainable agriculture (Stefano Bertorini)
Bringing farmers and researchers together for sustainable agriculture (Stefano Bertorini)
Episode 3: Engaging nursing students in patient involvement (Laura Postma, Loes van Hoogdalem and Noor Saathof)

In this episode Laura Postma, a paediatrician, and Loes van Hoogdalem and Noor Saathof, two nursing students, share their experiences with patient involvement. For her research project, Laura involved twelve nursing students in analyzing and interpreting qualitative interview data from young patients. Together with two of these students, Loes and Noor, she looks back on her experiences.

Engaging nursing students in patient involvement
Engaging nursing students in patient involvement

Season 1: Open education

Episode 1: Increasing student motivation through co-creating open educational material (Anoek Sluiter-Oerlemans)

Anoek Sluiter-Oerlemans, Assistant Professor in Youth Studies at the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, shares her views on and experiences with open education. Anoek recently decided to start implementing open educational resources. She involved students in co-creating teaching materials for a course on research methods for the MA programmes in Youth, Society and Policy and Deafblindness.

Anoek Sluiter-Oerlemans - Increasing student motivation through co-creating open educational material
Anoek Sluiter-Oerlemans - Increasing student motivation through co-creating open educational material
Episode 2: Open education - Buzzword or added value to  teaching? (Sander van Lanen)

Sander van Lanen, Assistant Professor in cultural geography at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences, developed the open textbook ‘Introduction to academic research’ by reusing texts that were already openly available. In this episode, Sander shares his experiences with creating open educational material. He also reflects on the purpose of open education and the benefit for students. Is it a means of connecting with society or preparing students for the workforce?

Sander van lanen
Sander van Lanen - Open education - Buzzword or added value to teaching?
Episode 3: Fostering diversity in knowledge production (Rashid Gabdulhakov)

Rashid Gabdulhakov, assistant professor at the Centre for Media and Journalism Studies at the Faculty of Arts, developed two fully open online courses in collaboration with IWPR, the Institute for War and Peace Reporting. The courses aim to help non-Western scholars to navigate the Western system of academic knowledge production. Rashid shares his experiences with open educational resources and he also reflects on how inclusive and diverse the knowledge creation process is.

Rashid Gabdulhakov Fostering diversity in knowledge production
Rashid Gabdulhakov - Fostering diversity in knowledge production
Episode 4: Get started with open educational resources (Mira Buist-Zhuk)

Mira Buist-Zhuk is an academic information specialist at the University of Groningen Library specializing in open educational resources. In this episode, she shares tips and advice for teaching staff on how to get started with open educational resources. Listen to the episode and learn how to use, create, share and benefit from open educational resources on a practical level.

Mira Buist-Zhuk: Get started with open educational resources
Mira Buist-Zhuk: Get started with open educational resources

Whether you're a researcher, teacher, student, or simply interested in the world of research, this podcast is for you. Join us as we delve into the exciting and rapidly evolving world of open science.

Subscribe to Open Science Bites

Open Science Bites is produced by the University of Groningen Library, with technical support of Wim Brons.

Last modified:13 September 2024 12.37 p.m.
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