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Open Pedagogy at UG (Part 1)

When:Th 29-09-2022 12:00 - 13:00
Where:Blackboard Collaborate

Curious what Open Pedagogy is? Join the “Open Pedagogy series” organized by the Teaching Academy Groningen, Educational Support and Innovation, and the University of Groningen Library!

During the first session (Webinar) participants will learn from the leading expert in Open Pedagogy in the Netherlands Ria Jacobi (InHolland) how to increase students' involvement using Open Pedagogy. UG lecturer Dr. Chris May will introduce his “Open Pedagogy project” at UCG. Moreover, UG educational experts will be present for your practical questions about support at our university. During the follow up Workshop (in November) participants will get started with integrating open pedagogy in courses / designing open pedagogical assignments.

Presenters: Ria Jacobi (InHolland) and Chris May (University College Groningen).

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