Science, Technology en Policy Studies - University of Twente
The Department of Science, Technology, and Policy Studies (STePS) takes the assessment and governance of innovations and emerging technologies as its central theme of teaching and research. STePS considers in particular strategic issues that are multidisciplinary: they involve developments in science, technology, politics and society, as well as interaction between them. Studies conducted within STəPS link analytical and normative perspectives, and consider not only technological innovations but also innovations in governance.
Fudura meet en maakt energiestromen inzichtelijk en bestuurbaar, daarbij verhuren wij bedrijfsmiddelen. Als marktleider helpen we ruim 23.700 zakelijke klanten in Nederland aan een betrouwbaar en effectief energiemanagement.
Al 50 jaar is Cogas actief als onafhankelijk netbeheerder in Oost-Nederland. De komende jaren zal ons speelveld echter ingrijpend veranderen. Hierin willen wij de rol van verbinder spelen. Door samen te werken met andere partijen aan een duurzame regio waar mensen comfortabel kunnen wonen, werken en leven.
At this time, there is still a substantial potential in the realization of the sustainability of the Agri-food sector and the built environment , where those concerned are eagerly looking for heat storage solutions. The currently known systems only store energy for short periods of time or the realization of such a system is not economically cost-effective. However , the Ecovat® energy storage system has an innovative principle: affordable thermal energy storage across the seasons. On the cutting surface of Agrifood, renewable energy and the built environment, Ecovat ® is the missing link.
Dr Ten, specializes in product and process innovation within the sport, food, energy and chemical sectors. Our team at Dr Ten is ready to help you or partner with you on developing your innovative ideas into real products. We believe that innovation is not just another theory on paper, but we believe in giving practical proven advice that will help you in developing your innovative ideas into real products. For our work, we make use of laboratory and process facilities, on-site, at the TU Delft or our very own laboratory.

This project has received funding from The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). NWO-MVI 2016 [313-99-304]. |
Last modified: | 17 November 2020 11.23 a.m. |