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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) Research Onderzoeksprojecten Cities of Readers: Religious Literacies in the Long Fifteenth Century


Sabrina Corbellini

  • Framing the Reader , plenary lecture congress “The Medieval Translator” (Vienna, 15-17 June 2017).
  • Spiritual Landscapes in Late Medieval Florence: Letters and Networks , International Medieval Congress, Session: Spiritual Landscapes: Mapping Female Spirituality in the Middle Ages (Leeds, 3 July 2017).

Bart Ramakers

  • Paradigms of Virtue: Building Moral Character in the Early Modern Netherlands , Low Countries History Seminar  UCL (London, 11 April 2018).

Margriet Hoogvliet

  • The Religious Poetry of the Confrérie Notre-Dame du Puy in Amiens: Middle French as common ground shared by laypeople and clergy , Meeting of COST Action IS1301 Working Group 3: Concordia discors: Unity, variety, and the search for middle ground in intellectual and lay cultures of the late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era (Leuven, 6-8 April 2017).
  • Using historical maps for GIS-based analysis: Religious books in Amiens and in nearby towns , Session: Mappings II: Producing and reproducing local maps, International Medieval Congress (Leeds, 3-6 July 2017).
  • The French "Midi" as a hub in the international and interreligious trade of Christian religious books in the vernaculars (15th-16th centuries) , Session: Books and Reading in the Mediterranean: Communities, Identities and Connected Histories, Society for the Medieval Mediterranean Conference (Ghent, 10-12 July 2017).
  • Shared religious reading practices and confessionally undefined French Bible translations in the early sixteenth century , Romanistentag Dynamiques confessionnelles” ( Zürich, 8-12 October 2017).

Joanka van der Laan

  • Role of Emotions in Perfomative Reading [working title], Passionate Devotions. Emotions in Late Medieval and Early Modern Religious Texts, Images and Music, Training school COST Action IS 1301 (Münster, 26-28 April 2017).

Past activities

Sabrina Corbellini

  • Door woorden verbonden: religie, teksten en lezers, Workshop organized by the Research Center Culture, Memory and Religion (Nijmegen, 6 February 2015).
  • The Pulpit, the Square and the Kitchen: Reconstructing Lay “Theologies” in the Late Middle Ages, Annual Meeting Renaissance Society of America (Berlin, 26-28 March 2015).
  • Communities of Interpretation Go Global, COST-meeting WG1 (Hull, 20-22 May 2015).
  • Scripto de mia propria mano: Urban Laity and the Construction of Religious Identities in Renaissance Italy, Congress “Renaissance Religions I” organized by Villa I Tatti/Harvard-Monash University (Florence-Prato, 4-5 June 2015).
  • Books, Reading and Interpretation: An European Approach, International Medieval Congress (Leeds, 6-9 July 2015).
  • Cities of Readers: A Spatial Approach to Late Medieval Religious Literacies (with Margriet Hoogvliet), Congress “Bridges and Boundaries: Theories, Concepts and Sources in Communication History”, organized by Communication History Section of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) and Centre for Early Modern Mapping, News and Networks ( Queen Mary University of London (Venice, 16-18 September 2015).
  • Translators and Cultural Brokers: Lay People as Translators of Religious Texts, Symposium “Religious Connectivity in Urban Communities: Reading, Worshipping, and Connecting in the Continuum of Sacred and Secular (1400-1600)” (Groningen, 24-25 September 2015).
  • Making Sense of Religious Texts: State of Affairs, Introduction to KNAW Academy Colloquium and Masterclass “Making Sense of Religious Texts” (Amsterdam, 27-30 October 2015).
  • Cities of Readers. Religious Literacies in Late Medieval Europe, Lecture in the framework of the seminar “Europe 1100-1500” at the Institute of Historical Research in London (London, 10 December 2015).
  • Strategia di lettura biblica nella prima eta’ moderna , lecture in the framework of the international congress Gli Italiani e la Bibbia. Leggere, Interpretare, Riscrivere (Turin, 19-20 May 2016)
  • Conclusions, COST-Workshop The Religious Field in the Long Fifteenth Century. Framing Religious Transformations in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Muenster, 26-28 May 2016)
  • New Communities of Readers in Late Medieval and Early Modern Italy , International Conference Communities of Print: Using Books in Early Modern Europe (Manchester, 6-7 June 2016)
  • Organising Religious Knowledge: Books, Libraries, and Readers , International Medieval Congress (Leeds, 4-7 July 2016).
  • The Holy Vernaculars. Bibles, Latin and Vernaculars in the Long Fifteenth Century, International Congress Renaissance-Humanismus, Bibel und Reformbewegung des 15. Und 16. Jahrhunderts und ihre Bedeutung fuer das Werden der Reformation (Emden, 14-16 September 2016).
  • Going Transnational: Religion, Communities, Communication and Lieux de savoir , opening lecture Plenary Meeting COST Action “New Communities of Interpretation” (3-5 November 2016).
  • Spaces of Religious Knowledge: Een ruimtelijke benadering van laatmiddeleeuwse lekendevotie, Signum-symposium Lekenspiritualiteit in de laatmiddeleeuwse stad (Antwerp, 3 December 2016).
  • Spaces of Knowledge, Situated Knowledge and Lieux de savoir , Spaces and Places of Religious Knowledge Transfer in Early Modern Cities (Leiden, 30 January – 2 February 2017).
  • Reconstructing a City of Readers: Venice in the Late Fifteenth Century , Spaces and Places of Religious Knowledge Transfer in Early Modern Cities (Leiden, 30 January – 2 February 2017).

Bart Ramakers

  • Mercury’s Children: Rhetoricians and Theatre in Haarlem in the Sixteenth Century, Seminar Research Centre for Historical Studies (Groningen, 13 April 2015).
  • Panel participation, Theatre and Religion, Discussion Meeting Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences, KNAW (Amsterdam, 28 April 2015).
  • Terminology of Wit and Wisdom in Rhetoricians’ Plays, Workshop Word Histories of Ingenuity in Early Modernity (Cambridge, 29-30 May 2015).
  • Het begin is daar! B.H. Lulofs en het begin van de Groningse neerlandistiek, 200 jaar Neerlandistiek (Groningen, 20 November 2015).
  • Textual and historical consultancy for opera Mariken in de tuin der lusten, Opera2day; Dutch National Theatre; Asko-Schönberg; Capella (Amsterdam, 11 October – 21 November 2015)
  • Setting the Stage for Reading: Spatial Demarcation in a Middle Dutch ‘Life of Christ’ , International Medieval Congress (Leeds, 4-7 July 2016).
  • Cornelis Everaert’s Autograph Plays and Cultural Connectivity in Sixteenth-Century Bruges , Sixteenth Century Studies Conference (Bruges, 9 August 2016).

Margriet Hoogvliet

  • Religious Reading in French and Middle Dutch during the Long Fifteenth Century: A Transnational Approach , Meeting of COST Action IS1301 Working Group 3: Social networks and transfers of religious knowledge across borders (Budapest, 8-10 June 2015).
  • Continuities of Reform and the Sharing of Texts in France, c. 1400-1550 , in the session: Communities of Reform, III: Dynamics of Transformation, International Medieval Congress (Leeds, 6-9 July 2015).
  • Cities of Readers: A Spatial Approach to Late Medieval Religious Literacie s (with Sabrina Corbellini), Congress “Bridges and Boundaries: Theories, Concepts and Sources in Communication History”, organized by Communication History Section of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) and Centre for Early Modern Mapping, News and Networks ( Queen Mary University of London (Venice, 16-18 September 2015).
  • Common profit books and urban networks in Northern France (c. 1450-c.1530) , Symposium Religious Connectivity in Urban Communities: Reading, Worshipping, and Connecting in the Continuum of Sacred and Secular (1400-1600) (Groningen, 24-25 September 2015).
  • Multilingual Cities of Readers between Paris and Antwerp , Mittelalterliche Stadtsprachen, Internationale Regensburger Jahrestagung (Regensburg, 12-14 November 2015).
  • Reading the Gospels in the Life and Passion of Christ in French (13th-early 16th century ), International Conference Lay Readings of the Bible in the Middle Ages, Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance (Tours, 24-26 November 2015).
  • Pilgrimages and International Networks in the Late Medieval County of Flanders , Meeting WG3 COST Action IS1301 New Communities of Interpretation: Networking Europe: Connecting ideas, exchanging goods, transfer of religious knowledge during the long fifteenth century (Seville, 4-5 April 2016).
  • Religious reading and domestic space (with Susanne de Jong), International Workshop COST Action IS1301: (Religious) Space, Place, and Media (Groningen, 15-16 April 2016).
  • Domestic Religion and Religious Instruction in the Late Medieval Household in Northern France , International Medieval Congress (Leeds, 4-7 July 2016).
  • Cities of Lay Readers: A Spatial Approach to Vernacular Bible Reading in Pre-Reformation Europe , Internationales Symposion Renaissance-Humanismus, Bibel und Reformbewegungen des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts und ihre Bedeutung für das Werden der Reformation – Eine RefoRC-Tagung zum Jubiläum von Erasmus´ Novum Instrumentum 1516-2016 (Emden: 14-16 September 2016) .
  • Entre Flandre et Rhône: Lecteurs et lectrices de textes religieux en langue vernaculaire (moyen néerlandais, français et occitan) aux XVe-XVIe siècles, CIHAM - Histoire et archéologie littératures des mondes chrétiens et musulmans médiévaux (Lyon, 2 December 2016).
  • Space of Flows: The Mobility of Religious Information through Urban Space in Early Sixteenth-Century Amiens, Spaces and Places of Religious Knowledge Transfer in Early Modern Cities (Leiden, 30 January – 2 February 2017).

Johanneke Uphoff

  • Cities of Readers: Presentation of a New Research Project (with Joanka van der Laan), International Medieval Congress (Leeds, 6-9 July 2015).
  • The Laity, the Convent and the Transmission of Religious Knowledge, Symposium “Religious Connectivity in Urban Communities: Reading, Worshipping, and Connecting in the Continuum of Sacred and Secular (1400-1600)” (Groningen, 24-25 September 2015).
  • Owning and Bestowing: Book Ownership and Donation of Religious Manuscripts by Lay Women in the Long Fifteenth Century, Congress “The Europe of Women” (Nijmegen, 25-27 November 2015).
  • Religious Miscellanies and Lay Devotional Readership in the Late Medieval Low Countries , International Medieval Congress (Leeds, 4-7 July 2016).
  • Reading, Writing, Collecting: Miscellanies and Private Libraries , 22nd Dutch-Flemish Medieval Studies Day: Readjusting the Middle Ages (Utrecht, 11 November 2016).

Joanka van der Laan

  • Cities of Readers: Presentation of a New Research Project (with Johanneke Uphoff), International Medieval Congress (Leeds, 6-9 July 2015).
  • Lezen met Passie: religieuze leescultuur in de middeleeuwen, 200 jaar Neerlandistiek (Groningen, 20 November 2015).
  • Go into a secluded space: Performative Reading in Some Late Medieval Devotional Texts from the Low Countries , International Medieval Congress (Leeds, 4-7 July 2016).
  • Texts in Action: Performative Religious Reading in the Long Fifteenth Century , 22nd Dutch-Flemish Medieval Studies Day: Readjusting the Middle Ages (Utrecht, 11 November 2016).

Susanne de Jong

  • Sanctifying Domestic Space: Religious Reading Instructions for a 15th-Century Dutch Laywoman , International Medieval Congress (Leeds, 4-7 July 2016).
Last modified:07 March 2017 1.11 p.m.