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Selected Publications

Scientific publications of the staff of the Department of Human Resource Management & Organizational Behavior. Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

If you want to receive one or more publications, please contact z.karakayali

(Names of members of the department are bold)


Liu, Z., M. Luan, H. Li, J.I. Stoker, and J. Lammers (2024). Psychological Power Increases the Desire for Social Distance but Reduces the Sense of Social Distance. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 110, 104528


Belderbos, R., B. Leten, N.H. Nguyen, and M. Vercauteren (2023). Multinational firms and the quest for global talent: Employing (skilled) foreign workers at home and abroad. Journal of International Business Studies, forthcoming

Gray, W.S., J.S. Bunderson, G.S. van der Vegt, F. Rink and Y. Gedik (2023). Leveraging Knowledge Diversity in Hierarchically Differentiated Teams: The Critical Role of Hierarchy Stability. Academy of Management Journal, 66 (2).


Liu, Y., T. Vriend, and O. Janssen (2021). To Be (Creative), or Not to Be (Creative)? A Sensemaking Perspective to Creative Role Expectations. Journal of Business and Psychology, 36 (1), 139-153.

Morgenroth, T., M.G. Senden, A. Lindqvist, E.A. Renstrom, M.K. Ryan, and T.A. Morton (2021). Defending the Sex/Gender Binary: The Role of Gender Identification and Need for Closure. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12 (5), 731-740.

To, M.L., C.K. Lam, O. Janssen, and X.S. Lin (2021). Anger Displays and Integrative Behavior among Work Dyads in Teams: A Regulatory Fit Approach. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42 (4), 464-482.


Bloom, J. de , H. Vaziri, L. Tay, and M. Kujanpää, M. (2020). An Identity-based Integrative Needs Model of Crafting: Crafting within and across Life Domains. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105 (12), 1423–1446.

Bongiorno, R., C. Langbroek, P.G. Bain, M. Ting, and M.K. Ryan (2020). Why Women Are Blamed for Being Sexually Harassed: The Effects of Empathy for Female Victims and Male Perpetrators. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 44 (1), 11-27.

Brake, H.J. van de, F. Walter, F.A. Rink, P.J.M.D. Essens, and G.S. van der Vegt (2020). Multiple Team Membership and Job Performance: The Role of Employees' Information-sharing Networks. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93 (4), 967-987.

Brake, H.J. van de, F. Walter, F.A. Rink, P.J.M.D. Essens, and G.S. van der Vegt (2020). Benefits and Disadvantages of Individuals’ Multiple Team Membership: The Moderating Role of Organizational Tenure. Journal of Management Studies, 57 (8), 1502-1530.

Feenstra, S. , J. Jordan, F. Walter, and J.I. Stoker (2020). Antecedents of Leaders' Power Sharing : The Roles of Power Instability and Distrust. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 157 (Mar.), 115-128.

Garretsen, H. , J.I. Stoker, and R.A. Weber (2020). Economic Perspectives on Leadership : Concepts, Causality, and Context in Leadership Research. The Leadership Quarterly, 31 (3), 101410.

Morgenroth, T., T.A. Kirby, M.K. Ryan, and A. Sudkamper (2020). The Who, When, and Why of the Glass Cliff Phenomenon: A Meta-Analysis of Appointments to Precarious Leadership Positions. Psychological Bulletin, 146 (9), 797-829.

Täuber, S. (2020). Undoing Gender in Academia: Personal Reflections on Equal Opportunity Schemes. Journal of Management Studies, 57 (8), 1718-1724.


Antonakis, J., G. Banks, N. Bastardoz, M. Cole, D. Day, A. Eagly, O. Epitropaki, R. Foti, W. Gardner, A. Haslam, M. Hogg, R. Kark, K. Lowe, P. Podsakoff, S. Spain,  J.I. Stoker, N. van Quaquebeke, M. van Vugt, D. Vera, and R. Weber (2019). The Leadership Quarterly : State of the Journal. The Leadership Quarterly, 30 (1), 1-9.

Garretsen, H., J.I. Stoker
, D. Soudis, R. Martin, and J. Rentfrow (2019). The Relevance of Personality Traits for Urban Economic Growth : Making Space for Psychological Factors. Journal of Economic Geography, 19 (3), 541-565.

Laethem, M. van, D.G.J. Beckers, J. de Bloom, M. Sianoja, and U. Kinnunen (2019). Challenge and Hindrance Demands in Relation to Self-reported Job Performance and the Role of Restoration, Sleep Quality, and Affective Rumination. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 92 (2), 225-254.

Martinescu, E., O. Janssen, and B. Nijstad (2019). Gossip as a Resource: How and Why Power Relationships Shape Gossip Behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 153 (Jul), 89-102.

Oedzes, J., G. van der Vegt, F. Rink , and F. Walter (2019). On the Origins of Informal Hierarchy : The Interactive Role of Formal Leadership and Task Complexity. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40 (3), 311-324.

Regts, G., E. Molleman, and H.J. van de Brake (2019). The Impact of Leader-Member Exchange on Follower Performance in Light of the Larger Social Network. Human Relations, 72 (8), 1265-1291.

Stoker, J.I., H. Garretsen , and D. Soudis (2019). Tightening the Leash after a Threat : A Multi-level Event Study on Leadership Behavior Following the Financial Crisis. The Leadership Quarterly, 30 (2), 199-214.


Brake, H.J. van de, F. Walter, F.A. Rink, P.J.M.D. Essens, and G.S. van der Vegt (2018). The Dynamic Relationship between Multiple Team Membership and Individual Job Performance in Knowledge-intensive Work. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39 (9), 1219-1231.

Steffens, N.K., M.A. Fonseca, M.K. Ryan, F.A. Rink, J.I. Stoker, and A. Nederveen Pieterse (2018). How feedback about leadership potential impacts ambition, organizational commitment, and performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 29 (6), 637-647.

Syrek, C.J., O. Weigelt, J. Kuehnel, and J. de Bloom (2018). All I want for Christmas is Recovery - Changes in Employee Affective Well-being before and after Vacation. Work and stress, 32(4), 313-333.

Veltrop, D., H. Molleman, R. Hooghiemstra, and H. van Ees (2018). The Relationship between Tenure and Outside Director Task Involvement: A Social Identity Perspective. Journal of Management, 44 (2), 445-469.


Steffens, N.K., S.A. Haslam, M.K. Ryan, and K. Millard (2017). Genius Begins at Home: Shared Social Identity Enhances the Recognition of Creative Performance. British Journal of Psychology, 108 (4), 721-736.

Stroebe, K., B.A. Nijstad, and C.K. Hemelrijk (2017). Female Dominance in Human Groups: Effects of Sex Ratio and Conflict Level. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8 (2), 209-218.

Veltrop, D.B., E. Molleman, R.H.B. Hooghiemstra, and H. van Ees (2017). Who's the Boss at the Top? A Micro-Level Analysis of Director Expertise, Status and Conformity Within Boards. Journal of Management Studies, 54 (7), 1079-1110.


Bunderson S, van der Vegt G , Cantimur Y, Rink F (2016). Different views of hierarchy and why they matter: Hierarchy as inequality or as cascading influence. Academy of Management Journal. 59(4):1265-1289.

de Vries TA, Hollenbeck JR, Davison RB, Walter F, van der Vegt GS (2016). Managing coordination in multiteam systems: Integrating micro and macro perspectives. Academy of Management Journal. 59(5):1823-1844. Available from, DOI: 10.5465/amj.2014.0385

Kane AA, Rink F (2016). When and how groups utilize dissenting newcomer knowledge: Newcomers' future prospects condition the effect of language-based identity strategies. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 19(5):591-607. Available from, DOI: 10.1177/1368430216638534

Lammers J, Stoker JI, Rink F, Galinsky AD (2016). To have control over or to be free from others? The desire for power reflects a need for autonomy. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 16;42(4):498-512. Available from, DOI: 10.1177/0146167216634064

Regts G, Molleman E (2016). The moderating influence of personality on individual outcomes of social networks. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 89(3):656-682. Available from, DOI: 10.1111/joop.12147

Ryan MK , Haslam SA, Morgenroth T, Rink F, Stoker J, Peters K (2016). Getting on top of the glass cliff: Reviewing a decade of evidence, explanations, and impact. The Leadership Quarterly. 27(3):446-455. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.leaqua.2015.10.008

Sijbom RBL, Janssen O, Van Yperen NW (2016). Leaders' achievement goals and their integrative management of creative ideas voiced by subordinates or superiors. European Journal of Social Psychology. 46(6):732-745. Available from, DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.2223

Vriend T, Jordan J, Janssen O (2016. Reaching the top and avoiding the bottom: How ranking motivates unethical intentions and behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.137:142-155. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.obhdp.2016.09.003


Jordan J, Flynn FJ, Cohen TR (2015). Forgive them for I have sinned: The relationship between guilt and forgiveness of others’ transgressions. European Journal of Social Psychology. 45:441-459.

Kulich C, Lorenzi-Cioldi F, Iacoviello V, Faniko K, Ryan MK (2015). Signaling change during a crisis: Refining conditions for the glass cliff. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 61:96-103. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.jesp.2015.07.002

Lount RBJ, Sheldon OJ, Rink F, Phillips KWP. (2015) Biased perceptions of racially diverse teams and their consequences for resource support. Organization Science

Mulder L, Jordan J, Rink F (2015). The effects of specific and general rules on ethical decisions. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 126:115-129. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.obhdp.2014.11.002

Mulder L, Rupp D, Dijkstra A. (2015) Making snacking less sinful: (Counter-)moralizing obesity in the public discourse differentially affects food choices of individuals with high and low perceived body mass. . Psychology & Health. 30(2):233-251. Available from: 10.1080/08870446.2014.969730

Qu R, Janssen O, Shi K. (2015) Transformational leadership and follower creativity: The mediating role of follower relational identification and the moderating role of leader creativity expectations. Leadership quarterly. 26(2):286-299. Available from: 10.1016/j.leaqua.2014.12.004

Rink F, Ellemers N (2015). The pernicious effects of unstable work group membership: How work group changes undermine unique task contributions and newcomer acceptance. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 18(1):6-23. Available from, DOI: 10.1177/1368430214550339

Täuber S, van Zomeren M, Kutlaca M. (2015) Should the moral core of climate issues be emphasized or downplayed in public discourse?: Three ways to successfully manage the double-edged sword of moral communication. Climatic Change. Available from: 10.1007/s10584-014-1200-6

van der Vegt GS, Essens P, Wahlström M, George G. (2015) Managing risk and resilience. Academy of Management Journal. 58(4):971-980. Available from: 10.5465/amj.2015.4004

Walter F, Lam CK, van der Vegt G, Huang X, Miao Q. (2015) Abusive supervision and subordinate performance: instrumentality considerations in the emergence and consequences of abusive supervision. Journal of Applied Psychology. 100(4):1056-1072.

Wang X-HF, Fang Y, Qureshi I, Janssen O. (2015) Understanding employee innovative behavior: Integrating the social network and leader-member exchange perspectives. Journal of organizational behavior. 36(3):403-420. Available from: 10.1002/job.1994


Bunderson S, van der Vegt GS, Sparrowe RT (2017). Status inertia and member replacement in role-differentiated teams: Towards a theory of newcomer influence. Organization Science. 25(1):57 - 72. Available from, DOI: 10.1287/orsc.2013.0835

de Poel FM, Stoker JI, Van der Zee KI. (2014) Leadership and Organizational Tenure Diversity as Determinants of Project Team Effectiveness. Group & Organization Management. 39(5):532-560. Available from: 10.1177/1059601114550711

de Vries T, Walter F, van der Vegt GS, Essens PJMD (2017). Antecedents of individuals' interteam coordination: Broad functional experiences as a mixed blessing. Academy of Management Journal. 57(5):1334-1359.

Giacomantonio M, Jordan J, Fennis B, Panno A. (2014) When the motivational consequences of ego depletion collide: Conservation dominates over reward-seeking. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 55:217-220.

Gonzalez-Mule E, Courtright S, de Geest D, Seong JY, Hong D-S. (2014) Channeled Autonomy: The joint effects of autonomy and feedback on team performance through organizational goal clarity. Journal of Management. Available from: 10.1177/0149206314535443

Gonzalez-Mule E, de Geest D, McCormick B, Seong JY, Brown KG. (2014) Can we get some cooperation around here? The mediating role of group norms on the relationship between team personality and individual helping behaviors. Journal of Applied Psychology. 99(5):988-999. Available from: 10.1037/a0037278

Irwin K, Mulder L, Simpson B. (2014) The detrimental effects of sanctions on intra-group trust: A comparison between punishments and rewards. Social Psychology Quarterly. 77(3):253-272. Available from: 10.1177/0190272513518803

Kristof-Brown A, Seong JY, de Geest D, Park W-W, Hong D-S. (2014) Collective fit perceptions: A multi-level investigation of person-group fit and group-level outcomes. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 35(7):969-989. Available from: 10.1002/job.1942

Martinescu E, Janssen O, Nijstad BA. (2014) Tell Me the Gossip: The Self-Evaluative Function of Receiving Gossip About Others. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 40(12):1668-1680. Available from: 10.1177/0146167214554916

van der Kam NA, Janssen O, van der Vegt G, Stoker JI. (2014) The role of vertical conflict in the relationship between leader self-enhancement and leader performance. The Leadership Quarterly. 25(2):267-281. Available from: 10.1016/j.leaqua.2013.08.007

Last modified:24 July 2024 3.30 p.m.