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Research Groningen Institute of Archaeology Research

GIA Publications




The journal Palaeohistoria – full title Acta et Communicationes Instituti Bio-Archaeologici Universitatis Groninganae – appears every two years and is edited by the staff of the Institute. It carries detailed articles on material culture, analysis of radiocarbon data and the results of excavations, surveys and coring campaigns. Palaeohistoria plays an essential role in the exchange network of journals that has been established with many other archaeological institutes in the Netherlands and abroad.

GIA-copyright. For more information please contact the coordinator of the GIA.



The Dutch-language journal Paleo-aktueel appears annually, and carries short articles on current research by GIA staff members, students and alumni to keep the general public, including authorities and planners, informed about recent research performed at the GIA.

GIA-copyright. The guidelines for articles for the next edition (Paleo-aktueel 28 (2017)) are now available. For more information please contact the coordinator of the GIA.

Groningen Archaeological Studies


The Groningen Archaeological Studies is a series intended for the publication of larger works such as PhD theses, conference proceedings, and Festschrifts.



The Dutch language series Grondsporen presents the results of GIA projects in the Netherlands which require publication in the short-term on the basis of Dutch legislation.



The periodical Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie carries articles concerning Mediterranean archaeology from authors in the Netherlands and Belgium, and appears twice yearly since 1988.



The series Caeculus, Papers on Mediterranean Archaeology is devoted to particular themes that evolve from the PhD research of the students of GIA, as well as those of the sections of Ancient History and Classical Languages. The volumes contain the results of workshops organized to stimulate PhD research. Copies may be ordered via Peeters Publishers.


Cover Book Ezinge

Ezinge, ijkpunt in de archeologie

Authors: Piet Kooi & Kirsten van der Ploeg

Over five hundred photographs have been taken during the famous excavations in the terp mount Ezinge (1923-1934) by A.E. van Giffen and his team. They provide interesting information about the village, the used methodology and the stunning results. The Groningen Institute of Archaeology, the guardian of this valuable collection, decided to use a selection as the basis for this book.

The first part provides some general information and places Ezinge in a broader context and pictures the specific problems that arose during the excavations and the way they were tackled. The second part describes the development of the settlement between 500 BC and 400 AD.

The most important part of this book consists of full-page pictures of work in progress. The mix of remnants from different buildings in an excavated level is often very confusing. In these cases each picture has been thoroughly analysed and the results have been presented in drawings on an opposite page. By doing so it is possible to follow the excavations on three different locations. The last location has been documented best, with pictures of several levels of buildings, dating from the beginning of the era on the top to about 500 BC at the bottom level of the terp mount.

The prize of ‘Ezinge, ijkpunt in de archeologie’ (full colour, 103 pages) is € 27,50. To read and order the book, send an email to: ezinge . It is also for sale in the bookshop of Museum Wierdenland.

Last modified:24 July 2024 3.42 p.m.