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Research Groningen Institute of Archaeology Research MARE - Mortuary Archaeology of the Roman East (Dutch Research Council – VICI) MARE Grant Opportunities

MARE Travel Grant

Grants for presenters at the Annual Meeting of the Necropoleis Research Network

Between 2023 and 2026, the MARE project offers travel grants for scholars who present their work on funerary materials of the Roman Near East at the Annual Meeting of the Necropolis Research Network. The grants have the explicit aim to stimulate the dissemination in English of so-called legacy data sets (old data sets) from the Roman Near East in order to increase the visibility of hidden or inaccessible collections.

The Necropoleis Research Network brings together people working on any aspect of mortuary archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East between the Dark Ages and the Late Roman periods. It is intended to facilitate an exchange of knowledge, ideas and methodological best practices between museum personnel, members of Antiquities Services, and scholars in universities and research institutes. At its Annual Meetings, NRN members discuss not only the past, but also contemporary issues revolving around mortuary archaeology such as the excavation and curation of human remains, storage, publication, and associated funding strategies. Thus far, the NRN has held six Annual Meetings:

  • Groningen (the Netherlands), January 2016
  • Isparta (Turkey), January 2017
  • Beirut (Lebanon), April 2018
  • Berlin (Germany), February 2019
  • Athens (Greece), October 2022
  • Tirana (Albania), April 2023

Annual Meeting VII will take place on 7-9 October 2024 in Istanbul, at the Netherlands Institute in Turkey. Check out the Call for Papers and consider joining!

Scholars wishing to present at the NRN can apply for a MARE Travel Grant. The annual budget of €1.500 will be divided between successful applicants. We particularly welcome applications from recent university graduates and personnel of heritage institutions (antiquities services and museums). All applications will be considered, but priority will be given to scholars working on legacy datasets (excavated before 2010) and/or working in the countries covered by the MARE project (Lebanon, Syria, Türkiye).

What types of costs can be covered?
  • Visa
  • Public transportation and airfare
  • Accommodation

Conditions and regulations
  • The abstract has to be accepted by the NRN selection committee.
  • The applicant has to present their work in English.
  • The Travel Grant should be claimed within 1 month following the NRN Annual Meeting, after which the grant will expire.
  • No objection or appeal can be made against the possible granting and/or rejection of the Travel Grant.

How to apply?
  • Submit your abstract to the NRN 2024 organizing committee.
  • Fill out the Application Form.
  • Submit to before 1 July.

More information
  • Contact the MARE team at
  • The MARE project at the University of Groningen
Last modified:02 July 2024 3.39 p.m.