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Research Groningen Institute of Archaeology About the institute

H. Reinder Reinders

Reinder Reinders
Reinder Reinders

Professor of Eurasian Archaeology


Expertise and Research Interests

Maritime archaeology (maritime cultural landscape, clinker technique); Hellenistic cities (investigation of the city of New Halos, survey in the Almiros and Sourpi plains); Coinage and coin circulation in Achaia Phthiotis (Larisa Kremaste, New Halos, Phthiotic Thebai, Peuma); Rural settlements in medieval Drenthe (Kalteren, Uffelte, Hesselte).

Selected Publications

Reinders, H.R., 1981. Mudworks, dredging the port of Amsterdam in the 17th century. The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration 10, pp. 229-238.

Reinders, H.R., 1988. New Halos, a Hellenistic Town in Thessalía , Greece . Hes publishers, Utrecht .

Reinders, H.R., 1999. Medieval water routes and harbour sites in the Netherlands . In J. Bill & B.L. Clausen (eds), Maritime topography and the Medieval Town , pp. 119-137. Copenhagen .

Reinders, H.R., 2001. The coastal landscape between Thermopylai and Demetrias from a maritime point of view. Tropis 6, pp. 457-492.

Reinders, H.R. & W. Prummel (eds), 2003. Housing in Hellenistic Halos, a Hellenistic town in Thessaly, Greece . Balkema Publishers, Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/ Tokyo .

Last modified:06 June 2019 2.04 p.m.