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Education The Faculty Graduate Schools Graduate School of Science and Engineering

PhD council

Representation of and social activities for all PhD candidates of the Faculty

The PhD council is a group of PhD candidates that act as representatives of the PhD community in the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Groningen.

The first council was established in April 2011, with the goal to improve the quality of PhD education and training in the Graduate School. Moreover, problems and issues that arise from PhD candidates are discussed and directly brought to the attention of the Graduate School. Besides helping to address and improve the several aspects that influence the overall satisfaction of a PhD, we collaborate with other PhD organizations (PNN, GRIN, Gopher, etc.) and organize educational and social events.

Please refer to the GSSE PhD Council Policy Plan for full details on our mission, vision, activities and organizational structure (and more).

We are always open for suggestions, comments, questions, complaints and discussions. Our goal is to be an easy channel that every PhD can rely to, as well as a facilitator for the PhDs to get to know each other and have a great time in Groningen. Do not hesitate to contact us either via our Facebook group ( or e-mail ( Through social media and our monthly newsletter, we keep the community informed about the next activities. Every month there is a social event (usually a Friday Borrel), which is a very nice opportunity to get informed and meet your fellow colleagues in an informal way.

You can check the GSSE PhD Council website for the latest information on the activities of the PhD Council and other relevant information for PhDs in the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

If you have a question you would like to pose to the Council and to your fellow PhDs in GSSE, do not hesitate to post a question on the Forum (or provide your insight to a question!)

The PhD council meets at least once every month. If you are interested on joining the council, please drop us a line!

Last modified:17 May 2023 11.59 a.m.