Class of 2019
PhD candidates are affiliated to one of the following research institutes:
Centre for Language and Cognition (CLCG)
Groningen Institute of Archaeology (GIA)
The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG)
Centre for Language and Cognition
Project Title
Research Group
Akinina, Y. (Yulia)
Verb treatment in people with aphasia
Averina, S. (Svetlana)
Improvements in spontaneous speech and their correlation with brain lesion characteristics in aphasia
Cordalija, N. (Nermina)
Unaccusative and anticausative verbs in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (BCS) and Dutch
Elmianvari, A. (Azadeh)
Multilingualism and the social media when used in the diaspora: practices of code selection / switching by Facebook users of Iranian descent in Belgium
Feiden, J.A. (Juliana)
The correlation between conceptual anaphors and time reference in aphasia
Presenting an integrated approach to phonological second language and second dialect acquisition
Haagsma, H. (Hessel)
Automatic analysis of non-literal meanings in translation
Hoeven, D.M. van der (Dymphi)
Students’ attitudes towards their lecturers’ English language skills and communicative/lecturing competence in English-medium higher education
Lartey, N. (Nathaniel)
Comprehension and production of focused sentences in Akan agrammatic speakers
Lindenbergh, C.G. (Charlotte)
Simplifying Minimalism. Revisiting locality constraints in syntax
Pulles, M. (Maaike)
Samen lezen bij onderzoekend leren: kennisconstructie in gesprekken rond teksten
Ruwette, M.L. (Marlon)
Reading promotion in grade 5 and 6 in the Netherlands: activities, attitudes and effects
Seifi, P. (Pouran)
Eye movements and reading: the effects of Persian orthographic features on the reading comprehension process
Willemsen, A. (Annerose)
Joint reasoning while reading and working with informative texts
Wolthuis, N. (Nienke)
Language function related to slow-wave brain activity and network characteristics: can we predict language outcome after awake brain tumour surgery?
Groningen Institute of Archaeology
Project Title
Research Group
Admiraal, M. (Marjolein)
Food technologies, maritime adaptations and climate change in the North Pacific
Bondetti, M. (Manon)
The 'Aquatic Neolithic' of the Northern European Boreal Forest
Cinquegrana, M.R. (Maria)
Sea salt. Special activity sites on the Etruscan coast between 1000-800 B.C.
Demici, Ö (Özge)
Regional variation in the use of the earliest pottery in Northwestern Europe
Dury, J.P.R. (Jack)
Dealing with radiocarbon reservoir effects in human and faunal skeletal remains
Ciampino: Marcandreola locality and the so-called via Castrimeniense
Junno, A.O. (Ari)
Bringing Home Animals
Llewellin, M. (Madison)
Direct dating of pottery by AMS
A framework for the prediction of ancient maritime routes: toward the establishment of an underwater archaeological risk map
Properly put to rest? A multi-angled study into individual and collective burial rites in Northwest Europe c. 1000 BC-500 AD
Vries, K.M. de (Karen)
Settling with the norm? Norm and variation in the definition of social groups and their material manifestations in (Roman) Iron Age settlement sites of the northern Netherlands
Weber, X.A. (Xénia)
The genomic effects of prehistoric and contemporary marine mammal exploitation
The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture
Project Title
Research Group
Arends, A.L.A. (André)
The efficacy of a narratological approach to the study of interview-based sonic artworks
Turkey as bridge between the EU and the Middle East: the importance of national interest articulation in discursive practices by Turkish political elites towards the EU and the Middle East
Becker, S. (Sandra)
Fathers of the Nation: White masculinities and fatherhood in contemporary US-American TV-series (2001-2015)
Beekman, N.A. (Anthalie)
Polyphony in education through art and philosophy for children
Blaak, M. (Marit)
Learning for change. Promoting organisational learning in Ugandan education NGOs
Boonstra, P.H. (Pieter)
Not in a preaching manner': lay-religious interaction in the Modern devout collatio
Bounegru, L. (Liliana)
When data and journalism collide: sourcing practices and knowledge production in data journalism
Brummelhuis, L. ten (Lydia)
All-American Heroes: protestant poetry from Early America
Driel, M. van (Maarten)
Networks, politics and personality in Renaissance Europe: Charles of Egmont, duke of Guelders (1492-1538). A low-tech/mixed-tech approach to historical networks
Franza, L. (Luca)
A NIE interpretation of the shift from long-term oil-indexed contracts to gas-to-gas competition, and its commercial and geopolitical impact on EU-Russia gas relations
Gevers, C.M.J. (Christiaan)
Biografie van P.F. Tammens, burgemeester van Groningen (1943-1945)
Greuter, M.C.A. (Marga)
Van piëtisme tot spiritisme: de religie in het leven van Elise van Calcar-Schiötling
Groefsema, F. (Floor)
Agriculture in transition: the development of family farming in northwest Europe 1950-2010
Hoogeboom, B. (Bart)
Reviving the Region. Bottom-up development in European rural areas, 1975-2020
Huisman, Q.T. (Krina)
Narrative representations of grief in Dutch literature and culture
Jäger, D.W.G.F. (David)
The dialectic of deprivation. Representations of authoritarianism in European literature in light of Frankfurt School Critical Theory
Jjuuko, R.D. (Robert)
Ugandan youth's occupational trajectory into the agricultural sector: In pursuit of food and financial security goals
Jugheli, T. (Tamar)
New consensus of state activism in the agriculture sector of Georgia
(No) Strings Attached. The dynamics of freedom and control in European participatory art in the 1960s
Kuipers, M.N. (Nadine)
Medieval husbandry books in manuscript and print
Homesick monks and reluctant bishops: Communicating world renunciation in twelfth century letter collections
Lee, J.F. van der (Jolanda)
Ecce homo: van verdoemde tot goed christen. De reactie van katholiek en protestants Nederland op de reïficatie van homoseksualiteit in de eerste decennia van de twintigste eeuw
Linden, J.M.A. over de (Heleen)
De Europees-Oekraïense kwestie. Oekraïne als speelbal tussen de EU en Rusland
Louwerse, N. (Nadja)
Anna Croiset van der Kop (1859-1914). Van amateur lesgever naar professioneel slavist, een biografie
Marusyk, Y. (Yaroslava)
The role of EU and Russian norms, values and principles in energy security and energy transition discourses
Murzakulova, Z. (Zhanat)
Governance approach to a resource-based industrialization: policies to promote competitive local suppliers base for the oil industry. Kazakhstan policy case study
Olbrich, P. (Philipp)
Technology and knowledge in International Relations: The use of satellite imagery by non-governmental expert networks in the cases of North Korea and (South) Sudan
Permana, M.P. (Prayoga)
Political economy of ASEAN economic integration at domestic level: the case of Indonesia
Rademakers, A. (Anna)
Het ontstaan van een gemeenschappelijk nationaal besef in de Nederlandse kunstwereld tussen 1815 en 1830 en gevolgen van de scheiding van 1830 voor de kunstwereld in Noord en Zuid
Usmanova, D. (Diana)
Towards an effective state-business nexus in the industrial policy of Kazakhstan
Veenstra-Vis, F.M. (Frouke)
Kroon, kerk en kapitaal: Politiek en patronage in Engeland na de Glorious Revolution
Walsweer, H. (Hein)
Friese studielenen
Weber, N.F. (Nick)
Wentholt, N.M. (Niké)
Single and Double Transitions from Violence. Diverging Transitional Justice Paths in Post-communist and Post-conflict Southeast Europe in the Context of European Union Accession
Xu, Q. (Qi)
Third party in maritime delimitation cases: an ICJ perspective
Weaving the religious civic web. A socio-historical analysis of fifteenth-century religious city life in Utrecht, Leiden and Bruges
Last modified: | 27 January 2025 3.21 p.m. |