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SInGA research team meets with new Minister of Planning, Mr. Chaniago, to discuss the plans of the new government following the election of President Joko Widodo

12 March 2015

By Taufiq Hidayat Putra

The SInGA research team had the opportunity to meet with Mr. Andrinof Chaniago, at the Indonesian Embassy in the Hague this past weekend on March 7, 2015. He serves as the new Indonesia Minister of National Development Planning, and is also the Head of National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas). The minister was accompanied by the Charge d’ Affaires ad interim/Deputy Chief of Mission, Mr. Ibnu Wahyutomo and the Attache of Education, Mr. Bambang Hari Wibisono of the Indonesian embassy. The delegation from the University of Groningen was led by Ronald Holzhacker, Director of SInGA. Students were not only from Groningen, but also from universities from across the Netherlands.

Mr. Chaniago presented the Indonesia National Medium Term Development Plan 2015-2019 which translates the vision, mission and priorities of the agenda of the newly elected Indonesia President and Vice President, Mr. Joko Widodo and Mr. Jusuf Kalla respectfully. Based on the Law of National Development Planning System, three months after the President is sworn in, the national development plan should be promulgated by president regulation. This plan will guide Indonesia’s national development planning for five years from 2015 to 2019, Joko Widodo’s period in office. This plan was developed by combining a technocratic and political approach, therefore the political agendas offered during the president election campaign was adjusted scientifically to fit with the circumstances and government capacity.

The minister explained that there are two important improvements from earlier national plans: (1) it is written in a more systematic way, combining economic and social goals and (2) it contains some new indicators and targets. He also mentioned that currently, the Government of Indonesia has the mission to enhance competitiveness, productivity and growth, as well as inter-sectoral and inter-regional balance, fairness and equitable. According to the national plan, the share of the processing sector is planned to increase significantly to replace the share of extraction and construction (property). The government also sets target and indicators for the GDP share from Indonesia islands in relation to the share from Java to increase by 2019.

The target and indicators also were formulated and focused to address inequality, poverty, unemployment, and social development. Linking with Indonesia human development, the minister emphasized that Indonesia needs people who are positive and constructive with a development mentality.

After the presentation, the minister also responded to questions which arose from several students who were interested and wanted a deeper explanation of the presentation. They asked various questions: tax policy, bubble economy, social insurance, human development, techno-park development, investment, information technology, Bappenas monitoring system, electric power development and the national integrity system.

At the end of the meeting, the minister delivered a message that the students, upon completion of their studies, would be welcomed to return back home to the country and contribute to the development of Indonesia.

Last modified:13 July 2023 09.42 a.m.

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