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Research GELIFES Competence Centres

Postacademic Teaching

Topics for postacademic teaching will come forward form wishes from societal partners. Courses will be organzided on demand, be based on E-learning and a flipped classroom model, and be open for interested master- and PhD students as well. Suggestions for topics so far are Big Data, Bioinformatics and The aging brain. A very specific topic is a course on the optimal design of citizen ccience projects: Citizen Science for life. In this course both the potentials and restrictions for extending research capacities are discussed as well will modern tools be introduced to engage a broader public. As such this course is exemplary for the final activity of both GELIFES competence centers: to inform society in an extended outreach program about the scientific work, including popular publications, meetings and new media approaches.

Life-long learning
Life-long learning
Last modified:25 April 2016 2.12 p.m.