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Research GELIFES

Weekly Schedule

Week 38 (16 – 20 September)

Weekly schedule by email: Every Friday afternoon the weekly schedule for the coming week is distributed by email. If you also want to receive our weekly schedules, please send an email to your expertise group secretary or to weeklyschedule and you will be added to the mailing list.

Announcements for the weekly schedule: If you have anything to announce that is of interest to all institute members, including literature / book discussions, please send an email to weeklyschedule before 12:00 hr on Thursday.

Monday 16


OBP Weekly meeting
12:00 Marine Biology
Anna Haider Rubio: The 50 Reefs Project - The solution to coral conservation? (colloquium)
5172.0571 & online
12:40 Shiva Jalalizadeh: Site fidelity and philopatry of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina vitulina) at the Dollard Estuary (MSc project presentation) online

Tuesday 17


10:30 GREEN - Microbial Ecology
Ilaria Manfredonia: Tba
5171.0415 & online
11:45 ConsEco Minisymposium
  • 11:45 Michiel Veldhuis: Scaling the biodiversity
  • 12:15 Grant Hopcraft: Assessing animal response to management interventions
  • 12:45 Yustina Kiwango: Restoring ecological connectivity in the Serengeti ecosystem
5172.0571 & online
13:30 EGDB Meeting
Judith Borgman: Raising the heat - Assessing fitness of houseflies (Musca domestica) at elevated temperatures
5171.0415 & online
16:15 PhD Defence
Yustina Kiwango (Conservation Ecology): Restoring ecological connectivity in the Serengeti ecosystem (Promotor Olff; copromotor Veldhuis (LU))
Academy Building & online

Wednesday 17


11:30 TRÊS Meeting
Gabriela Saldanha Blackwood: Plasticity and evolvability (colloquium)
12:00 GREEN - Plant Biology
Jundong Huang: Life history traits and salt tolerance in potato
12:00 NeuBio – Molecular/Behavioural Neuroscience Lab meeting
Corstiaan Geelhoed & Antonia Coman: Synaptic structures in mouse models of ASD (MSc project intro)

Thursday 19


15:30 GELIFES Seminar
Daniel Hooper (American Museum of Natural History): Adaptive introgression of carotenoid processing genes across an avian hybrid zone

Friday 20


No announcements

Last modified:13 September 2024 5.12 p.m.