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Research GELIFES

GELIFES Sociability Meeting

When:Th 23-05-2019 11:00 - 15:00
Where:Bernoulliborg 5161.0165

A series of 15 minutes talks (+10 minutes for questions) followed by a general discussion on the theme of sociability.

11:00-11:15 Jean-Christophe Billeter and Martien Kas: Introduction
11:15-11:40 Jean-Christophe Billeter: Modulation of individual behaviour by social experience
11:40-12:05 Martien Kas: The biology of social withdrawal
12:05-12:40 Lunch break (sandwiches provided)
12:40-13:05 Simon Verhulst: Developmental effects on sociality
13:05-13:30 Franjo Weissing: Negotiation and appeasement can be more effective drivers of sociality than kin selection
13:30-13:40 Break
13:40-14:05 Charlotte Hemelrijk: Self-organisation of social behaviour in animal groups: dominance, affiliation and coordinated motion
14:05-14:30 Sietse de Boer: Neurobiology of aggression
14:30-15:00 General discussion