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Research Centre for Gender Studies

Dutch translators' dictionary (VNLex)

Project name:

Dutch translators' dictionary (VNLex)


Dr. Petra Broomans ( p.broomans ) in collaboration with Ingeborg Kroon, Caroline Meijers a.o.

What are you currently working on? And how is a gender and diversity perspective important in your research?

A large part of the literature published in the Dutch language area reaches us through translations and through the efforts of translators and cultural transmitters. In the Dutch translators' lexicon (VNLex), the translators become visible with a biography, portrait and a bibliography. As translators form an invisible professional group in the literary field, the articles in the Dutch translators' lexicon are in many cases the result of fundamental scientific research, thorough investigation in archives and interviews with persons who have known the translators or their relatives. The amount of women translators has increased enormously since the end of the nineteenth century. The translators 'lexicon will thus especially pay attention to forgotten women translators.

Last modified:14 February 2019 07.05 a.m.