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Research Bernoulli Institute Calendar

Extra Colloquium Computer Science, Professor James Ahrens

12 June 2015


Friday, June 12th 2015


Professor James Ahrens


5161.0105 (Bernoulliborg)



Title: Implications of Numerical and Data Intensive Technology Trends on Scientific
         Visualization and Analysis



Technology trends in numerically and data intensive computing have the potential to reshape and significantly advance how we visualize and analyze the results of scientific simulations. Extreme scale numerical simulations are leading a charge to exascale computation and data analytics runs the risk of being a bottleneck to scientific discovery. We therefore expect in situ visualization and analysis will be a critical component of these workflows. Options for extreme scale data analysis are often presented as a stark contrast: write large files to disk for interactive, exploratory analysis, or perform in situ analysis to save detailed data about phenomena that a scientists knows about in advance. We present a novel framework for a third option - a highly interactive, image-based approach that promotes exploration of simulation results, and is easily accessed through extensions to widely used open source tools. This in situ approach supports interactive exploration of a wide range of results, while still significantly reducing data movement and storage. In addition, data intensive technology trends that support accessing and understanding our data using intuitive, web-based and query-driven interfaces are now the norm. In this talk, I will discuss these trends and several freely available, open-source approaches that leverage them.

Colloquium coordinators are Prof.dr. M. Aiello (e-mail : M.Aiello ) and
Prof.dr. M. Biehl (e-mail: M.Biehl )

Last modified:10 February 2021 1.32 p.m.

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