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Research Arctic Centre Outreach IMAKA Activiteiten overzicht

25 October 2021: Lecture Femke de Jong

Atlantic ocean circulation and its links to the Arctic

The Atlantic ocean circulation consist of a complicated system of smaller and larger currents that together transports large amounts of heat northwards. This heat transport affects weather in western Europe, but also conditions in the Arctic Ocean and melting of Greenland's calving glaciers. The strength of the ocean circulation shows natural variability, but is also predicted to decrease in the future as a result of climate change. In this talk I will go into why and how we directly measure the Atlantic ocean circulation and what we are learning about the processes responsible for its variability.

About our speaker

Dr. Femke de Jong is a researcher at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research at Texel. She received a Vidi Talent grant from the Dutch Research Council in 2018 with which she was able to continue her study of the 'engines' of the world. She regularly embarks on research vessels such as RV Pelagia to sample the subarctic waters off Greenland's south coast.

Time and date

The lecture (in English) will be Monday 25 October 2021, from 19:30 CEST and will last about 1 hour. Afterwards there is plenty of room for questions in the chat, of which we will make a selection and read out. The lecture will not be recorded.

Last modified:10 July 2024 5.38 p.m.