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Research Arctic Centre Education Master

Reactions students

Citations master course Sustainability of People in the Arctic

Student biology

A very interesting and fun course that greatly broadens your knowledge of the Polar regions.

Student biology

I recommend this course to students that are interested in the North and South Poles and want to look at these regions from a different perspective than the biological.

Student biology

A course which makes you think about more than just the polar ecosystems. Especially because of the political games involved. Learns you watching a certain area from a whole different point of view.

Student biology

The course is very interesting and addresses new topics that haven't been discussed before. However I found that work load per day was too intense. Each topic could be spread out over two days allowing the students more time to make a proper presentation. Some topics were quite new to me therefore I would have liked to have a longer lecture on the subject. Maybe it is an idea to give lectures throughout the week and then at the end two students are responsible to present a day and write a report on it.

Student biology

Interfaculty and multidisciplinary course on the polar regions, with the aim of implementing sustainability in contemporary subjects such ashabitation, discovery, management, conservation and exploitation. After a brief introduction, you will be challeged to make a contribution to a end of the day discussion. You'll need to be brief and concise in searching information in sources such as literature and the internet toform an opinion about your allocated subject. After the discussion your information becomes a source to be used by a fellow student when writing the final essay.

Student geography

No discussion about the written paper. Never feedback, which is a important issue if you have presentations every day.

A better layout and introduction won't be a problem. Don't try to cover to much topics in this short period, better more feedback and discussion. Try quality! Not quantity....

Student biology

De cursus bekijkt de poolgebieden niet vanuit een biologische kant, maar een meer maatschappelijke kant. Het geeft inzicht in de perceptie van de inheemse bevolking, maar ook hoe aanliggende landen omgaan met de noordpool. Ook geeft het wat inzicht in politiek(e spelletjes) rondom Antarctica. Daarnaast leer je om in korte tijd informatie op te zoeken over een bepaald onderwerp en dat daarna kort te presenteren. Het is een interessante cursus als je gericht bent op beleid en niet op onderzoek.

Student biology

Deze cursus is goed om een beeld te scheppen van hoe mensen leven op de noordpool, en onder welke omstandigheden. Daarnaast wordt er veel nagedacht over duurzaamheid. Echter is de opzet van de cursus nog niet optimaal.

Laatst gewijzigd:14 februari 2019 17:14