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Over ons Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid Onderzoek Expertisecentra Groningen Centre of Energy Law and Sustainability Onderzoek


Hier ziet u de kernpublicaties van de medewerkers betrokken bij de Groningen Centre of Energy Law

Scientific publications

  1. M. Roggenkamp, E. Woerdman (eds), Legal Design of Carbon Capture and Storage: Developments in the Netherlands from an International and EU Perspective, Antwerp: Intersentia (2009). This book is considered a key publication for several reasons. First, this book is a collaboration between most faculty staff engaged in the GCEL (currently also participating in the E&S programme) and illustrates the broad legal and extra-legal character and approach of the research. Secondly, we consider it a key publication because this book was the first legal study on an innovative new technique relevant for the energy sector as well as the development of sustainable energy law. Third, it resulted in funding for additional research via the CATO 2 programme. Finally, it enabled us to be active in workshops on CCS organized by the International Energy Agency.
  2. H. Müller, A Legal Framework for a Transnational Offshore Grid (diss. University of Groningen), Antwerp: Intersentia (2015). This study can be considered as a key publication given the innovative character of the work as it assists in developing a legal framework for new transnational offshore activities. In addition, it was the basis for involvement in the Horizon 2020 programme (LCE 5).
  3. E. Woerdman, O. Couwenberg and A. Nentjes, ‘Energy Prices and Emissions Trading: Windfall Profits from Grandfathering?’, European Journal of Law and Economics 2009, Volume 28, Issue 2, pp. 185-202. This article is a good example of E&S research with environmental and economic dimensions as it focusses on the relationship between law and economics with regard to greenhouse gas emissions trading. The article is published in a renowned journal and has often been cited.
  4. O. Woolley, ‘Governing a North Sea Grid Development: The Need for a Regional Framework Treaty’, Journal on Competition and Regulation in Network Industries 2013, Volume 14, Issue 1, pp. 73–97. This peer reviewed article investigates the requirement of a regional convention for the effective development of an electricity grid on the North Sea necessary for a decarbonized energy supply. It won the best paper award at the annual conference of the CRNI in November 2012.
  5. H. Müller, M. Roggenkamp, ‘Regulating Offshore Energy Sources in the North Sea – Reinventing the Wheel or a Need for More Coordination?’, International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law (2014, Volume 29, Issue 4, p. 716-737. This peer reviewed article analyses for the first time the legal framework applying in the North Sea to the production of oil and gas as well as electricity.

Publications with societal impact

  1. E. Woerdman, M. Roggenkamp and M. Holwerda (eds.), Essential EU Climate Law, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2015. This textbook is innovative in that it presents EU climate law in its fullest extent. By focusing on essential issues, this book makes the increasingly complex field of EU climate law accessible to a broader audience. That it succeeds in doing so has been confirmed by various positive reviews.
  2. S. E. Weishaar & S. Madani, ‘Energy Community treaty and the EU Emissions Trading System: Evidence of an Unrecognized Policy Conflict’, Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence 2014, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp. 1-17. This paper was presented at the Energy Community Secretariat in Vienna to the Environmental task force in the context of a report of the High Level Reflection Group of the Energy Community which advised the Community to study the possibilities to incorporate Emissions Trading into the Energy Community Treaty. The publication has been re-published as a chapter in D. Buschle, & K. Talus (eds.), The Energy Community : A New Energy Governance System, Mortsel: Intersentia 2015, pp. 227-354.
  3. A. Nentjes and E. Woerdman, ‘Nieuwe emissiehandelregels schieten tekort’, Economisch Statistische Berichten 2010, Volume 95, Issue 4590, pp. 454-457. This article drew quite some attention from the Ministries of Economics and of the Environment in the Netherlands and triggered further debate on the law and economics of emissions trading. Woerdman and Nentjes further contributed to this debate by writing an opinion article in a Dutch newspaper, entitled ‘Weeffout in regels voor emissiehandel’, Het Financieele Dagblad 11 september 2010, p. 7.
  4. H. Anker, K. de Graaf, R. Purdy, L. Squintani, ‘Coping with EU Environmental Legislation: Transposition Principles and Practices’, Journal of Environmental Law 2015, Volume 27, Issue 1, pp. 17-44. The article investigates the problems of transposition of EU environmental legislation into domestic law. It compares transposition principles and practices of a number of EU Member States and how the EU can influence this. It is a comparative and multidisciplinary project that refers to issues of great relevance for energy transition.
  5. M. M. Roggenkamp, ‘Regulering van de aardgaswinning in Groningen: Nieuwe uitdagingen gekoppeld aan Napoleontische uitgangspunten’, Nederlands Juristenblad 2015, Volume 90, Issue 26, pp. 1708 – 1715. This article was published in a special issue on gas production in Groningen and its impact. It has led to questions for further information by the political party CDA and the broadcasting company NOS.

Laatst gewijzigd:27 juni 2024 13:25
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