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Boek verschenen van Suzanne Comtois en Kars de Graaf

03 oktober 2013

Afgelopen week is het door Eleven International Publishing uitgegeven boek 'On Judicial and Quasi-Judicial Independence' verschenen, onder redactie van Kars de Graaf en Suzanne Comtois.

Het Engelstalige, peer reviewed boek kwam tot stand door financiering van het Groningen Centre for Law and Governance (GCL) en is het uitvloeisel van een op 25 mei 2012 door visiting professor Suzanne Comtois, Kars de Graaf en de Vakgroep Bestuursrecht en Bestuurskunde georganiseerde internationale congres in het kader van het onderzoeksprogramma Public Trust and Public Law van het GCL. Het boek is opgenomen in de NILG-reeks Governance en Recht.

Op de achterflap van het boek:
Principles of judicial and quasi-judicial independence are fundamental to all democracies and yet, the notion of independence is still elusive. What is judicial and quasi-judicial independence and why is it important? From whom and what are the judiciary and other adjudicators to be independent? Is the expansion of the judiciary’s power a threat to judicial independence? Are courts inevitably political institutions? Are there sociological pre-conditions needed to secure judicial independence in modern legal systems where the court’s ‘law making’ role is increasingly important?

Equally relevant is the question as to what extent principles of judicial independence apply to quasi-judicial bodies such as tribunals, regulatory and policy-making agencies, advisory committees, enforcement bodies and other administrative decision-makers.

In other words, to what extent should these bodies be independent from the branches of government that have created them or from the industry they are charged to regulate and, if so, how should the appropriate degree of independence be determined?

It is the purpose of this book, as of the Groningen international conference that preceded it, to bring eminent judges and scholars to revisit the concepts of judicial and quasi-judicial independence, to discuss the threats and challenges that perhaps call for different safeguards or solutions and to thereby reflect on the distinctive nature of courts as well as administrative decision-makers and our commitment to adjudicative independence.

Dit bericht is geplaatst door de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid.

Laatst gewijzigd:19 januari 2024 12:49

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