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De positie van de vennootschap onder firma

In civielrechtelijk, vennootschapsrechtelijk, publiekrechtelijk en Europeesrechtelijk perspectief
PhD ceremony:Ms P.P.D. Mathey-Bal
When:January 25, 2016
Supervisors:prof. mr. dr. J.B. (Jan Berend) Wezeman, prof. mr. dr. H.E. (Hylda) Boschma
Where:Academy building RUG

This thesis provides an overview of the legal regime applicable to the Dutch commercial partnership with jointly and severally liable partners (vennootschap onder firma, VOF). Problems are identified and recommendations to resolve those problems are made. In doing this, attention is paid to the measures that the partners themselves can take, to the role of the court and how the judge is expected to rule on disputes and to the role of the legislature. The thesis is valuable for legal practice and contributes to the development of partnership law.