Video lecture Katrien Helmerhorst (in Dutch): what is the most optimal development for your child?

What is actually the most optimal for your child's development: staying home, or going to childcare? In this video, educational scientist Katrien Helmerhorst (University of Groningen) explains the answer. In addition, she provides tips to help in the search for a suitable childcare service.
Katrien Helmerhorst
Katrien Helmerhorst works as an assistant professor at the unit of Child and Family Welfare. Her research has a focus on three main topics: 1) parenting behavior of (professional) caregivers, 2) early childcare centers, and 3) effectiveness of parenting interventions. A common thread in her research is observing a wide range of parenting behaviors (e.g., sensitivity, challenging parenting behavior, mind-mindedness, language and developmental stimulation, parent-child attachment relationship).
Universiteit van Nederland
Through the Universiteit van Nederland, inspiring academics share interesting and new insights from their fields of research by means of short lectures. They bring science to life for a young and wide-ranging public by answering provocative questions in various formats. From dark matter to animals’ experiences of love: just about everything is covered.
Last modified: | 20 June 2024 07.48 a.m. |
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