Linda Steg appointed as member European Academy Of Sciences And Arts

Professor Linda Steg, on the recommendation of Professor Marco Aiello, has been appointed a member of the European Academy Of Sciences And Arts. She will be inaugurated in March 2022 during the annual Festive Session.
Transnational Network
The European Academy Of Sciences And Arts is a transnational network dedicated to promoting scientific and social progress. Among other things, they organize the annual Danube Academies Conference, a conference that provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge between national academies from Central and Eastern Europe. The network consists of more than 2000 members, including 32 Nobel Prize winners.
New inspiration
I'm curious about what will come my way,' says Steg, 'I always find it interesting to meet people who are open-minded and working at the frontiers of science. Above all, I hope to gain a lot of inspiration and to start new interdisciplinary and international collaborations.'
Last modified: | 10 August 2023 10.39 a.m. |
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