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GSG Governor Robert Lensink receives NWO grant

12 May 2021

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded substantial grants, each amounting to €750,000, to nine UG research projects. These projects focus on topics including millet as a sustainable crop, misleading advertisements and the strengthening of the constitutional state.

The board of the NWO domain Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) has awarded a total of €22 million to researchers who had applied for the Open Competition SSH round in 2020. These funds will give researchers the opportunity to conduct research on a topic of their own choice. UG researchers are involved in nine of the 34 selected projects.

Empowering women by relieving economic and psychological barriers

Prof. B.W. Lensink

This project will develop a combination of economic and psychological interventions to improve women’s empowerment. The impact of the newly developed interventions will be evaluated by organising a randomised controlled trial with a microfinance institution in Vietnam.

View a list of all awarded grants.

Last modified:10 July 2023 4.30 p.m.

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