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UG teams up with Lyceo to offer exam training

31 October 2017

The last two years of secondary school are a time when pupils feel the exam pressure building up. At the same time, they should also start giving serious thought to what they want to study. Both of these processes can be rather intimidating and both have important consequences. Good preparation for the final exams is an important step towards starting a University degree programme. The University of Groningen has now found an expert partner to help offer exam training programmes: Lyceo.

The combination of young, highly educated trainers and an extensively tested methodology make the Leiden-based company Lyceo the most suitable partner for the UG. Lyceo is also the most popular provider of teaching support at schools. Every year, the organization helps thousands of secondary school pupils throughout the country prepare for their exams in all subjects and at all levels. Independent research by SEO Amsterdam has shown for three years in a row that these exam training programmes are indeed effective.

Well prepared
Arjen Dijkstra, coordinator of the University of Groningen Pre-University Academy, is enthusiastic about the partnership, which started at the beginning of this academic year: ‘Good exam training prepares pupils for the most important assessment in their entire secondary school career. This partnership will enable us to help pupils better prepare for what comes after the exam: studying at University.’ Lyceo director Willemijn Kienhuis adds: ‘We are very pleased with this collaboration and look forward to working together with the University of Groningen in helping schools support their pupils.’

Last modified:12 March 2020 9.31 p.m.
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