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New members Young Academy Groningen

21 September 2017
Back L-R: Joost Keizer, Simon Friederich, Ming Cao, Front L-R: Sonja Pyott, Marieke van Vugt, Gert Stulp, Susanne Täuber. Missing: Erin Wilson. (Photo: David Vroom)

Eight new members have officially been installed into the Young Academy Groningen (YAG): Ming Cao, Simon Friederich, Joost Keizer, Sonja Pyott, Gert Stulp, Susanne Täuber, Marieke van Vugt and Erin Wilson.

The installation ceremony began with an inspiring talk by Prof. André Aleman on the role and importance of Young Academies, followed by YAG Chair Diederik Roest who gave the audience a look back into the Young Academy’s first year. The new members shared their passion for research in a “Research Minute” – a new series of videos intended to share our research beyond the walls of the University and inspire others toward academic careers. (You can find an example below.) In addition, the new members showcased their Yearly Project aimed at “Opening up Academia” with activities based on open science/open data, open collaborations, and sharing research with the public in new creative ways.

Connecting researchers

The Young Academy has also appointed three PhD students : Vincent Leeuwenburgh, Masha Medvedeva and Saskia Nijmeijer. They shortly presented their interdisciplinary research projects. The collaboration between various faculties show exactly what the Young Academy stands for and aims to achieve: connecting researchers from diverse disciplines at the University of Groningen to initiate unique and collaborative interdisciplinary research projects.

The voice of early career researchers

Prof. Elmer Sterken, Rector Magnificus, who hosted the evening, thanked Diederik Roest for his contribution as Young Academy chair this past year, and welcomed Marie-José van Tol as the new chair. In the coming year the members together will further the missions of the Young Academy in being a voice on behalf of early career researchers at the University of Groningen.

More information

  • Below is a video of Gert Stulp. Watch all the Research Minutes of the new members on our YouTube channel.
  • In the the upcoming weeks you can find Research Minutes of all members in our magazine.
  • Young Academy Groningen

Video: Sensu (

Last modified:10 September 2024 3.31 p.m.
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