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Funding for Smart Grids Plus project 'Efficient demand and supply matching by incentivizing end-users in buildings (Match-IT)'

06 februari 2017

An interdisciplinary research team from the University of Groningen and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden has been awarded by NWO and SWEA the ERA-Net (H2020) Smart Grids Plus project 'Efficient demand and supply matching by incentivizing end-users in buildings (Match-IT)'.

The project was granted 1.4 M€, of which approximately 675 K€ will go to three research groups of the University of Groningen: Environmental Psychology (Thijs Bouman and Linda Steg, PI), Computer Science (Ilche Georgievski and Marco Aiello) and the ENgineering and TEchnology institute Groningen (Jacquelien Scherpen). They will collaborate with two Swedish companies, Metry and Ellevio.

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Laatst gewijzigd:19 november 2019 11:04

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