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UNIDO energy training in Groningen

30 November 2016

Policy makers from developing and emerging countries from all over the world are flying to Groningen this week to attend a training programme on energy transition from 30 November until 7 December. The programme is hosted by United Nations Industrial Development Organisation UNIDO and Energy Academy Europe EAE. Speakers of a.o. the University of Groningen, Hanze UAS, ECN, PwC, Gasunie, Alliander en TU Delft will contribute to the programme.  At the end of the training week UNIDO’s Director of Energy Dr. Pradeep Monga will visit Groningen to instantiate a further cooperation of both parties in the future.

Some 25 policy makers and ministerial officers from – inter alia – China, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Egypt, Nigeria, Botswana, Tanzania, Brasil, Georgia and Ukrain will be given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with a whole range of tools for building sustainable energy systems. Topics like sustainable industry, energy technology, energy saving, system integration and design, economical aspects, innovative eco systems, societal impact and psychological aspects of energy transition will be covered by the programme. It also includes a field trip to the Dutch island of Ameland which is piloting a 100% self-sufficient energy system.


The lectures and classes will be held at the EnTranCe facility at Zernike Campus Groningen – an inspiring venue and testing facility that gives a face to the energy transition in many ways. The new facility was officially opened by HRH Prince Willem Alexander last year and accommodates several set-ups for testing innovative energy applications.

Energy Academy Europe is a centre of excellence for energy transition with a focus on education, research and innovation. It is a joint initiative of governmental parties, Hanze UAS and the University of Groningen and is supported by energy market parties.

UNIDO is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability.

Source: press release Energy Academy Europe

More information

Website Energy Academy

Last modified:14 April 2020 10.46 a.m.
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