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King Saud University signs an Agreement of Collaboration with the University of Groningen

13 May 2015

On Monday 11 May a high profiled delegation from the King Saud University (Saudi Arabia) came to the Netherlands to visit the University of Groningen. The King Saud University (KSU) is one of the leading universities in the Gulf region that has chosen the Netherlands as a new focus country. The University of Groningen (RUG), being among the top universities in the world, is the first Dutch partner of the King Saud University.

The Rector, H.E. Prof. Dr. Badran Al-Omar arrived with a large delegation including the Vice Rector and the Deans of the faculties of Medicine and Dentistry. They were received by the Executive Board of the University and visited the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the University Medical Centre Groningen. Dr. Moneer Al-Otaibi, the Cultural Attaché of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in The Hague and Drs. Gerdien Verheuvel, the Higher Education Attaché of the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Riyadh accompanied this important delegation.

During his visit, H.E. Dr. Badran Al-Omar signed a General Memorandum of Intent with the President of the University of Groningen, Prof. Dr. Sibrandes Poppema, indicating their firm wishes for a broad and intense cooperation between the two universities. Topics of interest are: (post) graduate studies for the (female) staff of KSU through joint supervision, post graduate double degree programmes and common research projects. Detailed agreements on specific activities between all interested Faculties from both sides will later be attached to this General Umbrella Agreement.

Madeleine Gardeur-Veltman (RUG), Mezyad Alterkawi (KSU), Badran Al-Omar (KSU), and Sibrandes Poppema (RUG)
Madeleine Gardeur-Veltman (RUG), Mezyad Alterkawi (KSU), Badran Al-Omar (KSU), and Sibrandes Poppema (RUG)
In front from left to right: Moneer Al-Otaibi (Cultural Attaché of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Hague), Ahmed Al-Aameri (Vice-rector KSU), Sibrandes Poppema (President RUG), Badran Al-Omar (Rector KSU). In the back: Bart-Jan van Sleen (Student Assessor of the Executive Board of the RUG), Petra Rudolfs (Director Graduate School of Science RUG) Gerdien Verheuvel (Higher Education Attaché of the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Riyadh), Fahad Al-Zamil (Dean College of Medicine KSU), Mezyad Alterkawi (Director International Cooperation and Scientific Twinning Department KSU), Thaqib Al-Shalan (Dean College of Dentistry KSU), Jan de Jeu (Vice-President RUG), Maaike Wagenaar (Policy Officer Arab World RUG), Anke van Trigt (Director Student Affairs Pre-University College UMCG), Madeleine Gardeur-Veltman (International Affairs Advisor to the Executive Board RUG).
In front from left to right: Moneer Al-Otaibi (Cultural Attaché of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Hague), Ahmed Al-Aameri (Vice-rector KSU), Sibrandes Poppema (President RUG), Badran Al-Omar (Rector KSU). In the back: Bart-Jan van Sleen (Student Assessor of the Executive Board of the RUG), Petra Rudolfs (Director Graduate School of Science RUG) Gerdien Verheuvel (Higher Education Attaché of the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Riyadh), Fahad Al-Zamil (Dean College of Medicine KSU), Mezyad Alterkawi (Director International Cooperation and Scientific Twinning Department KSU), Thaqib Al-Shalan (Dean College of Dentistry KSU), Jan de Jeu (Vice-President RUG), Maaike Wagenaar (Policy Officer Arab World RUG), Anke van Trigt (Director Student Affairs Pre-University College UMCG), Madeleine Gardeur-Veltman (International Affairs Advisor to the Executive Board RUG).
Last modified:30 March 2020 3.51 p.m.
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