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In cooperation with Noorderbreedte; a NB-Special

28 april 2015

Sustainable Society created a Noorderbreedte-Special (in Dutch) in cooperation with Noorderbreedte. Noorderbreedte is an independent magazine since 1977 and reports about landscape, nature, environment, sustainability, cultural, urban planning, architecture, urban design, art and photography in the Northern Netherlands.

Scientist from the University of Groningen (linked to Sustainable Society) tell their stories in this Special. With this magazine, we try to show the connection between research and society. That is also one of our main goals: creating impact in society with our research. The Noorderbreedte Special also shows some of the local initiatives in the Northern Netherlands that make the world a better place.

Do you want to receive this special edition of the Noorderbreedte, please email us. We also have a digital version on our website. Enjoy reading en get inspired.

Laatst gewijzigd:10 januari 2020 15:30

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